Re: Texte et Lilypond

2009-09-24 Thread Matthieu Jacquot
Le 24 septembre 2009 00:57, Valentin Villenave a écrit : > 2009/9/23 Pierre-Yves Gousenbourger : > > Je cherche un moyen de créer un document texte dans lequel j'insère des > objets > > Lilypond (des petites partitions/portées par-ci par-là). > > J'ai trouvé sur la doc une partie qui parle de lil

Can't compile Mutopia file

2009-09-24 Thread Sávio M. Ramos
Can't compile the file below, mysteriouos commands: 1) \include "" 2) Treble = \notes \context Voice = $Treble { 3) Middle = \notes \context Voice = $Middle { 4) Bass = \notes \context Voice = $Bass { 5) GuitarStaff = \context Staff = GuitarStaff < \property Staff.midiInstrum

Re: Can't compile Mutopia file

2009-09-24 Thread Peter Chubb
> "M. Ramos" == M. Ramos writes: M. Ramos> Can't compile the file below, mysteriouos commands: The file looks to be for quite an old version of LilyPond. To fix, look in the `extra information' fields in the Mutopia website for the piece, and find out which lilypond version it is for. Th

Re: Can't compile Mutopia file

2009-09-24 Thread Xavier Scheuer
Peter Chubb a écrit : The file looks to be for quite an old version of LilyPond. To fix, look in the `extra information' fields in the Mutopia website for the piece, and find out which lilypond version it is for. Then add a line \version "x.y.z" (where x.y.z is the version it is for) and run c

Re: Texte et Lilypond

2009-09-24 Thread Valentin Villenave
2009/9/24 Matthieu Jacquot : > Voilà, j'espère que cela vous sera utile. Ca fait des années que je n'ai pas > utilisé windows alors je ne peux pas donner plus de détails pratiques. > Matthieu Nous poursuivons cette conversation sur [everybody

Re: Png image files are always 859x1111

2009-09-24 Thread Alexander Kobel
Wilbert Berendsen wrote: You know you can have LilyPond transparent (alpha) PNGs directly by using -dpixmap-format=pngalpha on the commandline, like: lilypond -dresolution=300 -dpixmap-format=pngalpha --png or by including these lines in your template: #(ly:set-option 'pixmap-format "p

Re: Png image files are always 859x1111

2009-09-24 Thread Alexander Kobel
Alexander Kobel wrote: Wilbert Berendsen wrote: You know you can have LilyPond transparent (alpha) PNGs directly by using -dpixmap-format=pngalpha on the commandline, like: lilypond -dresolution=300 -dpixmap-format=pngalpha --png or by including these lines in your template: #(ly:set-

Transposing a whole book (pieces in different keys) by a given interval

2009-09-24 Thread Thomas Green
Yet another transposition question, for which I'd appreciate help. I have a 'book' containing several scores. The scores are in different keys - something like Air in C, March in F, and so on. Also, each piece (score) is set for several instruments. And I have a Lilypond script that compiles all

Figured Bass: Order of Digits

2009-09-24 Thread Franz-Rudolf Kuhnen
Hi, I'm working on Couperin's 14. Concert from "Les Gouts reunis". I have a problem to determine the correct order of the digits in the figured bass. The attatched picture shows the problem. %% Begin example% \markup { \large "Bug in the horizontal order of the digits" }

Snow Leopard and Smultron

2009-09-24 Thread arl
I'm running 2.13.3-0 on my Mac under Leopard - it's wonderful to have a "proper" working version again on the Mac. Thanks to all who have produced this version. I notice on the LilyPond page for the Mac that "The text editor Smultron does not work properly under Snow Leopard." I looked up t

Figured Bass: Order of Digits

2009-09-24 Thread Franz-Rudolf Kuhnen
Hi, I'm working on Couperin's 14. Concert from "Les Gouts reunis". I have a problem to determine the correct order of the digits in the figured bass. The attatched picture shows the problem. %% Begin example% \markup { \large "Bug in the horizontal order of the digits" }

Re: Texte et Lilypond

2009-09-24 Thread Xavier Scheuer
Dites vous aviez remarqué que vous étiez sur la mailing-list anglophone ( ? Pierre-Yves, si tu veux poser tes questions en français (et que les autres utilisateurs francophones puissent te lire et te répondre, en français également), utilise plutôt la liste de diffusion f

Re: Snow Leopard and Smultron

2009-09-24 Thread Graham Percival
On Tue, Sep 22, 2009 at 08:45:38PM +0100, wrote: >I notice on the LilyPond page for the Mac that "The text editor Smultron >does not work properly under Snow Leopard." Which lilypond page is that? >I value the facility to use LilyPond far more that being able to

Re: Transposing a whole book (pieces in different keys) by a given interval

2009-09-24 Thread David Bobroff
I've put together some projects that I knew I wanted to be able to transpose easily. What I did was to include a \transpose block for each score: \transpose c c { stuff } Then I would do a search/replace. For going up a fourth I would replace "transpose c c" with "transpose c f". That sho

Re: Figured Bass: Order of Digits

2009-09-24 Thread Werner LEMBERG
> I'm working on Couperin's 14. Concert from "Les Gouts reunis". I > have a problem to determine the correct order of the digits in the > figured bass. The attatched picture shows the problem. Looks like a bug. Please register, Valentin. Werner PS: Auch Grüße aus Koblenz... ___

Re: What's up with fill-line?

2009-09-24 Thread Carl Sorensen
On 9/24/09 7:40 AM, "Alexander Kobel" wrote: > Hi all, > > > I think I have to bother you a bit more about fill-line; I don't > understand docs and/or code of it. > > > First of all, nested fill-lines don't seem to be a good thing, which may > or may not be a Bad Thing (tm). In principle,

The new Drummer's Gigsaw: first edition.

2009-09-24 Thread Philippe Hezaine
Hi all, Here is the new Puzzle du Batteur-The Drummer's Gigsaw. Published under GPLv3 or later Licence, at this time it's only available for Linux. Forget the old versions and first of all read the README. Feedbacks, suggestions, criticisms are welcome, of course. Download the tar.bz2 archive he

Re: What's up with fill-line?

2009-09-24 Thread Alexander Kobel
Carl Sorensen wrote: If fill-line has one argument, it's centered. If fill-line has two arguments, the first is left-aligned, the second is right-aligned. If fill-line has three or more arguments, the following rules apply: The first argument to fill-line is left aligned. The last argument to f

Re: Transposing a whole book (pieces in different keys) by a given interval

2009-09-24 Thread Francisco Vila
2009/9/22 Thomas Green : > The worse problem is > that each \transpose command has to take individual account of the key of > the current score, so for my example of a piece in C followed by a piece in > F, all to be transposed a fourth, I'd need the first command to be > \transpose c f and the sec

lyrics with syllables associated to notes

2009-09-24 Thread Jatziri Valtierra
Hi! I would like to do a melodic line with phrasing slur and use lyrics with syllables associated to notes inside the phrasing slur. I can't do it with lilypond, the only form I can do was using quote, but I think this is not the form correct to do it. Thanks, Jatziri ___

Vertical Spacing

2009-09-24 Thread Jonathan Wilkes
Hello, How do I say: "Hey Lilypond, use the following 'minimum-Y-extent for whatever system m. 2 ends up in." I don't see anything in the LM about this, and NR 4.4.1 doesn't make it clear that the following override only sets the 'minimum-Y-extent at the beginning of the piece or in a \lay

Re: Microtonal Helmholtz-Ellis notation in Lilypond: fine-tuning

2009-09-24 Thread Stefan Thomas
Dear Community, I know that I am a little late in this discussion. I wanted to try out theexample of Thorsten, I found at What I don't understand is: where do I have to have the files of the HE-font? And, is there a final ver

Re: Contemporary music required feature #1: chromatic transposition

2009-09-24 Thread Valentin Villenave
On Tue, Sep 22, 2009 at 3:00 PM, Carl Sorensen wrote: > If you get the chromatic transposition working properly, I'll commit to > helping you get it embedded in LilyPond. Carl, please consider yourself my personal beacon of light in such discussions :-) Could you give me a hint as to whether thi

Re: Contemporary music required feature #1: chromatic transposition

2009-09-24 Thread Carl Sorensen
On 9/24/09 1:29 PM, "Valentin Villenave" wrote: > On Tue, Sep 22, 2009 at 3:00 PM, Carl Sorensen wrote: >> If you get the chromatic transposition working properly, I'll commit to >> helping you get it embedded in LilyPond. > > Carl, please consider yourself my personal beacon of light in suc

Re: Contemporary music required feature #1: chromatic transposition

2009-09-24 Thread Joseph Wakeling
Carl Sorensen wrote: > Joe, can you come up with a short description and a minimal example, so > Valentin can add it to the tracker? Will do. Sorry for not replying earlier to your kind offer of help -- I'm going through a bit of a busy patch -- but will get to work on this ASAP. :-) Best wishe

Re: Microtonal Helmholtz-Ellis notation in Lilypond: fine-tuning

2009-09-24 Thread Graham Breed
Stefan Thomas wrote: Dear Community, I know that I am a little late in this discussion. I wanted to try out theexample of Thorsten, I found at What I don't understand is: where do I have to have the files of the HE-font?

Re: Microtonal Helmholtz-Ellis notation in Lilypond: fine-tuning

2009-09-24 Thread Stefan Thomas
Dear Graham, in the meantime I found out, where I have to install the font on my kubuntu machine. I was able to try out the example. There is one not convincing for me: The default accidental is an natural. But I would like to use fis and ges as before. Wouldnt it a possibilitie to define new pitch

Re: Microtonal Helmholtz-Ellis notation in Lilypond: fine-tuning

2009-09-24 Thread Graham Breed
Stefan Thomas wrote: Dear Graham, in the meantime I found out, where I have to install the font on my kubuntu machine. That's good. I was able to try out the example. There is one not convincing for me: The default accidental is an natural. But I would like to use fis and ges as before. Are

Re: Microtonal Helmholtz-Ellis notation in Lilypond: fine-tuning

2009-09-24 Thread Stefan Thomas
Dear Graham, absolutely, I would like to define a list of notenames, for e.g. pitches that are about 15cents lower, But I have no idea how to do it, when I use the HE-font for the accidentals. Off course, I had a look in and I found there makamGlyphs = #`((1 . "accidentals.doublesharp")

Re: Microtonal Helmholtz-Ellis notation in Lilypond: fine-tuning

2009-09-24 Thread Graham Breed
Stefan Thomas wrote: Dear Graham, absolutely, I would like to define a list of notenames, for e.g. pitches that are about 15cents lower, But I have no idea how to do it, when I use the HE-font for the accidentals. For the code I have, pitch names are defined as: HEPitchNames = #`( (c . ,(ly:

Re: Snow Leopard and Smultron

2009-09-24 Thread Andrew Tucker
On Sep 24, 2009, at 10:10 AM, Graham Percival wrote: On Tue, Sep 22, 2009 at 08:45:38PM +0100, wrote: I notice on the LilyPond page for the Mac that "The text editor Smultron does not work properly under Snow Leopard." Which lilypond page is that? I think he me

Re: Microtonal Helmholtz-Ellis notation in Lilypond: fine-tuning

2009-09-24 Thread Stefan Thomas
Dear Graham, thanks very much! It doesn't seem to be very easy for my, but I guess, I will be able to do it. 2009/9/25 Graham Breed > Stefan Thomas wrote: > >> Dear Graham, >> absolutely, I would like to define a list of notenames, for e.g. pitches >> that are about 15cents lower, But I have no