Grammostola Rosea wrote:
Trying to make my first lilypond song and put let it be on score but I
can't make the timing of the lyrics fit with the melody... :
\version "2.11.53"
melody = \relative c' {
\clef treble
\key c \major
\time 4/4
\partial 4
g8 a c4 c d a c c
Morten Lemvigh wrote:
Try to have a look at the documentation concerning lyrics and vocal
I would rather recommend to read in the Learning Manual for the latest
development version of LilyPond. Almost all the infor
Mats Bengtsson wrote:
Morten Lemvigh wrote:
Try to have a look at the documentation concerning lyrics and vocal
I would rather recommend to read in the Learning Manual for the latest
development version of LilyPon
2008/8/6 Dolores Dickey <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>:
> I am using a Mac computer OS 10 version 8. Can I download lilypond?
There are several versions of MacOS 10; if you're running 10.3
("Panther") or 10.4 ("Tiger"), LilyPond should work without any
problems. If you're running the latest 10
Yeah, good idea. After studying it a number of times I got it to do
exactly what I needed. Thank you.
Mats Bengtsson wrote:
Why not follow the approach used in ?
David Bobroff wrote:
I need to create a tempo marking that would look
2008/8/4 Andrew Hawryluk <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>:
> Valentin, in the snippet "Stem and beam behavior in tablature" (#494)
> can you replace
> \override Beam #'damping = #10
> with
> \override Beam #'damping = #+inf.0
It's updated now (I guess Neil was faster than me) :-)
Hi Peter
Just tried your Looks really promising! A couple of early
comments. It may be obvious, but \articulate should only be used in a
\score block with just \midi {} - it mucks up the printed output if used
with \layout { }. And dynamics in the midi score block must be a
Please point me to the page in the manual if possible
I would like to adjust the top-margin on page two.
\paper {
between-system-space = 1.5\cm
between-system-padding = #1
#(set-default-paper-size "a4")
head-separation = 0\mm
top-margin = 3\mm
Graham Percival wrote on -dev
Well, the fact is that most users don't seem interested in
helping with the docs, even to the extent of reading them. :|
I had my first contact with Lilypond over two years ago (2.6.5 on win98).
I was extremely confused before I could get it to compile somethi
I've already had a look at the first few pages of the LM
and this time I'm going to start on it properly.
So I'm back at the web page for the docs. [see webdoc.png]
I click on it's "Learning Manual (LM)" link -
the one saying "(start here)" - and then again on
"Tutorial: A tutorial introd
The very bad user experience of the LilyPond manual, ie. very-very bad
navigation was the very cause I started LilyPondTool 5 years ago
Because I was as confused as you.
Then the quite hard content of the documentation rega
For me, that is a portuguese native speaker, is harder to understand
some aspects os the documentation. I still don't have a clue what is a
grob, or what this word means, for example...
Hugo Ribeiro
Bertalan Fodor (LilyPondTool) escreveu:
The very bad user experience of the LilyPond manual, ie
At least that one can be easily defended :)
The term "grob" is explained in the Learning Manual, and "grob" is in the
index there, although I don't know if this section has yet made it to the
Portuguese translation.
See LM 4.1.2 Objects and interfaces.
- Original Message -
I have a Mac 10.4. I downloaded lilypond and I am able to typeset files and
turn them into MIDI files.
I have come to a dead stop in trying to produce lilypond files from MIDI
files. I tried to invoke midi2ly as instructed in the manual:
*midi2ly translates a Type 1 MIDI file to a LilyPond sour
Following Mats' suggestion I went to: find a solution for an odd tempo marking. I succeeded in
displaying the desired result but ran into a snag. The tempo I want to
display occurs at a rehearsal mark. The tempo marking also uses a
modified rehe
David Bobroff wrote:
Following Mats' suggestion I went to: find a solution for an odd tempo marking. I succeeded in
displaying the desired result but ran into a snag. The tempo I want
to display occurs at a rehearsal mark. The tempo marking also
On Thu, 7 Aug 2008 15:42:58 +0200
"Robin Bannister" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> .. read .. read .. read, and then at the bottom click on
> Huh? - there is no "Next" to click on!
> So what am I supposed to do?
> It would be silly to click on "Previous" "Working on input files"
If you loo
Grammostola Rosea wrote:
Trying to make my first lilypond song and put let it be on score but I
can't make the timing of the lyrics fit with the melody... :
Try this:
\version "2.11.53"
melody = \relative c' {
\clef treble
\key c \major
\time 4/4
\partial 4
g8 a c4 c d a c c d
Graham Percival wrote:
If you look at the latest docs using texi2html, this has already
been dealt with:
- Graham
And quite nicely too. Is that default output totexi2html or did you
have to tweak options or input?
Mats Bengtsson> writes:
> The best solution for you is probably to use #(make-dynamic-script ... )
> to define all your dynamic commands, see subsection "New dynamics".
> Then, they will behave exactly as all the other dynamics.
> I haven't investigated how much tweaks would be in
2008/8/4 Kenny Stephens <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>:
> Is there a means by which I can color the notes based on its absolute pitch
> ---
> not its pitch class?
If anyone can come up with a nice solution, this should definitely be
added to the LSR...
2008/8/6 Mats Bengtsson <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>:
> Since I have only used LilyPond for 11 years, I have some remaining
> questions on how it works.
Greetings Mats,
Hehehe... As soon as I can find a couple minutes to work on the
"LilyPond Report" again, I guess this will make the "Quote of the
Week" :
Graham Percival wrote:
If you look at the latest docs using texi2html, this has already
been dealt with:
Well, well, thank you very much.
Robin Bannister had written:
Two further points:
- The tree version will benefit
Did you read the section on MacOS X in the manual:
Rafael González wrote:
I have a Mac 10.4. I downloaded lilypond and I am able to typeset
files and turn them into MIDI files.
Is it possible to suppress/alter the tuplet number in the case of the
duplet shown below? (m. 91, bass staff) According to Stone, this
should be engraved as a duplet with the numeral "2" in the bracket.
This could of course be represented instead by dotted eighths, but
these th
Eric Flesher wrote:
Is it possible to suppress/alter the tuplet number in the case of the
duplet shown below? (m. 91, bass staff) According to Stone, this
should be engraved as a duplet with the numeral "2" in the bracket.
This could of course be represented instead by dotted e
> "Trevor" == Trevor Daniels <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:
Trevor> Hi Peter
Trevor> Just tried your Looks really promising! A
Trevor> couple of early comments. It may be obvious, but \articulate
Trevor> should only be used in a \score block with just \midi {} - it
Trevor> muck
2008/8/7 Alexander Kobel <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>:
> Some months ago a few of us stumbled in a similar problem. Neil put our
> results in - basically, we modify
> the actual metronome mark formatter, which is independent of other marks
> (and the right place to p
Eric Flesher wrote:
Longer dynamic strings (e.g. "p delicato", "crescendo", etc.) that are engraved
as dynamic scripts in this fashion end up getting centered, as a text string,
horizontally under the notehead. This necessitates offsetting them somehow; my
immediate workaround is to apply
Hash: SHA1
Am Donnerstag, 7. August 2008 schrieb Eric Flesher:
> Mats Bengtsson> writes:
> > The best solution for you is probably to use #(make-dynamic-script ... )
> > to define all your dynamic commands, see subsection "New dynamics".
> > Then, they
Mats Bengtsson wrote:
Yes, it would be very nice to be able to specify the alignment point
of a markup in a more convenient way.
I just realized that it indeed is possible to specify the horizontal
alignment point to be between two parts of a markup:
beforeaftermarkup = \markup {\right-ali
Hash: SHA1
Am Donnerstag, 7. August 2008 schrieb Neil Puttock:
> 2008/8/7 Alexander Kobel <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>:
> > Some months ago a few of us stumbled in a similar problem. Neil put our
> > results in - basically, we modif
Does Rheinhold's work allow for the kind of thing I want; a quarter tied
to a dotted quarter = ?
Neil Puttock wrote:
2008/8/7 Alexander Kobel <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>:
Some months ago a few of us stumbled in a similar problem. Neil put our
results in - basic
2008/8/7 David Bobroff <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>:
> Does Rheinhold's work allow for the kind of thing I want; a quarter tied to
> a dotted quarter = ?
Yes, since tempoText can take any \markup commands.
So in your snippet, all you need to do is change your rhythmMark
function so that the \score markup
Hash: SHA1
Am Freitag, 8. August 2008 schrieb Mats Bengtsson:
> Mats Bengtsson wrote:
> > Yes, it would be very nice to be able to specify the alignment point
> > of a markup in a more convenient way.
> I just realized that it indeed is possible to specify the
Brand new LilyPond user here. I installed it yesterday on my XP machine. I'm
having trouble getting the subtitle to display properly. I've done a search of
the archives and none of the solutions offered are working for me.
The command:
subsubtitle = \markup { "from \"Instruccion de
Concat should work, but only if youre using 2.11.
The easy way to fix this problem is to save your files in UTF-8 format
then you can use the suggested subtitle without any issue. If youre
running on Windows, you can open the file in Notepad, and choose File->Save
As, and set the Encoding
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