autobeams for triplets

2008-06-15 Thread Stefan Thomas
Dear lilypond-users, how can I change the automatic beams for the triplets in this example? I would like to beam the triplets in groups of three and I would like to do it automatically. Here the example: \version "2.11.7" { \time 2/2 f'' 4 \times 2/3 { a'' 8 g'' f'' } \times 2/3 { e'' d'' c'' } \t

Re: autobeams for triplets

2008-06-15 Thread David Bobroff
Stefan Thomas wrote: Dear lilypond-users, how can I change the automatic beams for the triplets in this example? I would like to beam the triplets in groups of three and I would like to do it automatically. Here the example: \version "2.11.7" { \time 2/2 f'' 4 \times 2/3 { a'' 8 g'' f'' } \times

Re: footer strings

2008-06-15 Thread Clement
> BUT, it will NOT work, if you put your \header block inside the score > definition like that : > > % > \book > { > \score { %% score 1 > \new Staff \music > \header { title = "The title" instrument = "clarinette" } > } > \score { %% score 2 > \new Staff \transpose c

Re: footer strings

2008-06-15 Thread Clement
> Greetings, > > if you speak French (like Gilles and myself), you may be interested in > subscribing to the French-speaking LilyPond mailing list: > > > Gilles: Indeed, there would be a nice feature to implement there. For > instance, it wou

Re: different rehearsal mark settings in score and parts

2008-06-15 Thread Neil Puttock
Hi Haipeng, 2008/6/14 hhpmusic <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>: > Hi, > I used Vallentin's MarkLines to construct rehearsal marks above the whole > score and first violin. But the log file always says improbable rehearsal > marks 13xx...., although I reduced the global staff size and the > outside s

Re: 2.11.49 - MIDI (again...)

2008-06-15 Thread Valentin Villenave
2008/6/15 George_ <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>: > [...] > The MIDI file doesn't get created [...] Greetings, We can't help you unless you show us some piece of code. Though your approach seems OK, you may have forgotten something else. Cheers, Valentin ___ li

Re: Convert relative into absolute

2008-06-15 Thread Arno Rog
Valentin Villenave> writes: > > 2008/6/14 Graham Percival>: > > You mean precisely like NR 3.3.4 Displaying LilyPond notation ? > > Oh, so you meant \display_Lily_Music instead of \displayMusic > > Cheers, > Valentin > L.S. \displayLilyMusic did the trick. Is there als


2008-06-15 Thread James E. Bailey
I'm sure there is, and I just can't think my way around it, but I'm having a problem with a trillspan that starts in a one-voice context and ends in a two-voice context. Like this: \relative c'{ \pitchedTrill 1\startTrillSpan a | <<\relative g'{g1\stopTrillSpan}\\\relative c'{

Integrating HTML and music

2008-06-15 Thread Patrick Schmidt
Dear list, > > my tests show that the syntax > > > > > > c'1 > > > > > > allows for line breaks into the music code, whereas the > {music...} /> does not. Also, the latter does not really put the > > image inline, in fact it puts the image inside a paragraph on its own. > > I've noted that c

Re: stopTrillSpan

2008-06-15 Thread Kieren MacMillan
Hi James, I'm wondering if there's a way to do without the spacer notes. See attached modifications. Be sure to read the docs, especially the section on "relative mode" and "explicitly instantiating voices" (or whatever they're called now). Hope this helps! Kieren. % \

Re: stopTrillSpan

2008-06-15 Thread James E. Bailey
Am 15.06.2008 um 18:57 schrieb Kieren MacMillan: Hi James, I'm wondering if there's a way to do without the spacer notes. See attached modifications. Be sure to read the docs, especially the section on "relative mode" and "explicitly instantiating voices" (or whatever they're called now

Re: Convert relative into absolute

2008-06-15 Thread Graham Percival
On Sun, 15 Jun 2008 12:18:18 + (UTC) Arno Rog <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote: > Is there also a command to convert the implicit notelengths into full > notation. e.g. r8 d d e f d16 e f8 g -> r8 d8 d8 e8 f8 d16 e16 f8 g8 There's nothing non-full about r8 d d e. Still, you could do this with schem

What's wrong with this syntax?

2008-06-15 Thread Patrick Horgan
\set Staff.melismaBusyProperties = #'(melismaBusy) a4 bes2 a4 bes1 \melisma ~ bes ~ bes ~ \melismaEnd bes Lilypond complains about the ~ after the \melisma, but I want the tie there. Help!!! Patrick ___ lilypond-user mailing list lilyp

Re: Vertical Stretching of Groups

2008-06-15 Thread Frederick Dennis
Dear All, Regarding vertical stretching of staves, have you looked at Trevor Bača's "Controlling vertical spacing exactly - mini HOWTO" in which he says: 1. First, it seems that there are two *different* models for controlling vertical spacing, which we might term "permissive" and "strict", respect

Re: 2.11.49 - MIDI (again...)

2008-06-15 Thread George_
\version "2.11.49" \score { one = ^\markup \combine \musicglyph #"accordion.accDiscant" \combine \raise #1.5 \musicglyph #"accordion.accDot" \raise #2.5 \musicglyph #"accordion.accDot" two = ^\markup \combine \musicglyph #"accordion.accDiscant"

Re: 2.11.49 - MIDI (again...)

2008-06-15 Thread Graham Percival
On Sun, 15 Jun 2008 20:56:19 -0700 (PDT) George_ <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote: > \score { > > one = > ^\markup >From what I understand, this shouldn't compile at all. Variables should be defined outside of the \score. Cheers, - Graham ___ lilypond