Ghost Notes for Bass

2008-05-15 Thread Marco Vermeulen
Hi all, I just want to say how amazed I am with the quality of this software. It sure beats anything I've ever worked with, and is a real treat for a techy kind like me :working: I am a bass player who likes to play lots of muted notes. I've been trying to transcribe some bass lines, and can't s

Re: Ghost Notes for Bass

2008-05-15 Thread Mats Bengtsson
Marc Hohl wrote: have a look at There you can find the definitions cr = \override NoteHead #'style = #'cross Unfortunately, this was an ill chosen name of the macro, since \cr is defined by default to mean something completely different. In fact, y

Re: Ghost Notes for Bass

2008-05-15 Thread Marco Vermeulen
Thanks Marc, That works beautifully! I'll also keep in mind what Mats said about naming these two macros. Any suggestions of unreserved names? Sorry for asking such silly questions, but I'm a newbie with Lilypond... On 15 May 2008, at 10:24, Marc Hohl wrote: Hi Marco, have a look at http:/

Re: Ghost Notes for Bass

2008-05-15 Thread Marc Hohl
Marco Vermeulen schrieb: Hi all, I just want to say how amazed I am with the quality of this software. It sure beats anything I've ever worked with, and is a real treat for a techy kind like me :working: I am a bass player who likes to play lots of muted notes. I've been trying to transcribe so

Re: Ghost Notes for Bass

2008-05-15 Thread Valentin Villenave
2008/5/15 Mats Bengtsson <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>: > Unfortunately, this was an ill chosen name of the macro, since \cr is > defined by > default to mean something completely different. In fact, you will get a big > surprise if you use the above definition and then use \cresc (which > internally > uses

Re: *.mid vs *.midi

2008-05-15 Thread Karl Hammar
CDon: > Karl Hammar wrote: > > > > change the .midi to .mid, and you should get what you want (though I > > have not tested it). > > > > Thanks Karl, this looks promising but does not work. There is a TODO at the > top of the file stating: > > ";; this is broken: we should not ever export vari

problem with

2008-05-15 Thread Stefan Thomas
Hi, if I want to process a tex-file (runnung %buffer) with lilypond-book in the Console of jedit, I get the following error messages "error running external command. See the activity log about the problem" What can I do? ___ lilypond-user

Audio signal to generate .ly file

2008-05-15 Thread Thermo
Has anyone done any research into translating an audio signal into a .ly file? For instance playing a recording of a single note melody and creating the responding file in .ly. Nothing more complex than that. Thanks Graham -- View this message in context:

Re: Audio signal to generate .ly file

2008-05-15 Thread Chuckk Hubbard
Lots of people have done research into translating single-note audio into MIDI or notes, and of course from there it would be a cinch to translate to ly. Unfortunately that first part is the kicker. It's not unheard of, but it always depends on many factors: the instrument and timbre, recording q

Re: *.mid vs *.midi

2008-05-15 Thread Valentin Villenave
2008/5/15 Karl Hammar <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>: > Perhaps you have better luck if you change the "midi" to "mid" > and recompile. The question that was asked on the French list about also implied that these files should be typed as .mid by default... I tried to have a look at the MIDI 1.0 specs to see

Re: *.mid vs *.midi

2008-05-15 Thread Reinhold Kainhofer
-BEGIN PGP SIGNED MESSAGE- Hash: SHA1 Am Donnerstag, 15. Mai 2008 schrieb Valentin Villenave: > I tried to have a look at the MIDI 1.0 specs to see if there was any > "official" extension, but couldn't find one. Windows users seem to > believe that .mid is more legitimate than .midi, but

Re: Audio signal to generate .ly file

2008-05-15 Thread Kieren MacMillan
Hi all, Lots of people have done research into translating single-note audio into MIDI or notes, and of course from there it would be a cinch to translate to ly. Unfortunately that first part is the kicker. True... but check out . =) Good

Re: *.mid vs *.midi

2008-05-15 Thread CDon
Valentin Villenave wrote: > > Windows users seem to > believe that .mid is more legitimate than .midi, but non-MS users are > used to non-three-letters extensions. > It is not a matter of belief but rather a matter of practicality... Many applications that import MIDI files for post processing

Re: *.mid vs *.midi

2008-05-15 Thread Bertalan Fodor (LilyPondTool)
Tell me one application that allows midi and doesn't allow mid. I think this decision of choosing .midi was the result of an unpractical idealistic approach. I consider this a bug. Bert Valentin Villenave wrote: 2008/5/15 Karl Hammar <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>: Perhaps you have better luck if

Re: *.mid vs *.midi

2008-05-15 Thread Karl Hammar
> Tell me one application that allows midi and doesn't allow mid. I consider it a bug that programs are picky about file extensions. > I think this decision of choosing .midi was the result of an unpractical > idealistic approach. > > I consider this a bug. > > Bert Regards, /Karl ___

How to Import MIDI and ETF files in LilyPond

2008-05-15 Thread Matthew
Please help me. I have tried to import in LilyPond some files in MIDI or ETF format. I've used command line; when I write the command, an error message is displayed; sometimes I'm told that the file is not specified. Can you give me an exemple very clear of how to write the command. Let's consid

sricpt for lilypond-book

2008-05-15 Thread Stefan Thomas
Dear Lilypond-users, maybee I'm boring, but I have written a little scirpt for lilypond book: lilybuch( ) { mkdir -p "$1"/ lilypond-book --output="$1" --psfonts "$2".tex cd "$1"/ latex "$2".tex dvips "$2".dvi ps2pdf "$2".ps kpdf "$2".pdf } "$1" is the name of the direction You want to create, "$2"

change measure's width

2008-05-15 Thread padovani
Hi everyone, Is it possible to change the width (and, proportionally, the space between the notes) of two equal measures? A text based example: c4 c4 c4 c4 | c4 c4 c4 c4 | c4 c4 c4 c4 | thanks. ___ li

Re: Lyric braces?

2008-05-15 Thread Timothy C Litwiller
Timothy C Litwiller wrote: This isn't perfect but may be a place for you to start here is the code --- %right and left brace setup leftbrace = \markup { \override #'(font-encoding . fetaBraces) \bold \lookup

Re: change measure's width

2008-05-15 Thread Graham Percival
The easiest way would be to enable proportional notation (see the chapter on Spacing) and then do c4*2 for the doubled notes. Cheers, - Graham On Thu, 15 May 2008 22:55:28 -0300 padovani <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote: > Hi everyone, > Is it possible to change the width (and, proportionally, the s

Re: *.mid vs *.midi

2008-05-15 Thread Michael David Crawford
Karl Hammar wrote: I consider it a bug that programs are picky about file extensions. There was a time when the Mac OS didn't care about file extensions. The filesystem had a type and a "creator code" in the filesystem metadata, hidden from the user. The user had complete control over the

Re: *.mid vs *.midi

2008-05-15 Thread Graham Percival
On Thu, 15 May 2008 22:55:50 -0700 Michael David Crawford <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote: > But when Apple bought NeXT from Steve Jobs, the Cocoa framework that > became Mac OS X knew nothing of types and creator codes. Now the Mac > is borked in the same way windows is. Yes and no. The underlying

Re: How to Import MIDI and ETF files in LilyPond

2008-05-15 Thread Luc
under windows xp I get errors too with midi2ly when the filename contains spaces like in yours - see yourself: C:\>midi2ly "C:\Dokumente und Einstellungen\user1\Anwendungsdaten\Bach-Brandenbu rg 3 - 1- Oktav Seite1.mid" Traceback (most recent call last): File "C:\Programme\LilyPondDevel\usr\bi