Slur of voiceTwo colliding with notehead of voiceOne

2007-08-02 Thread Dominic Neumann
Hi out there, the following code produces the collision you can see in the attached image. How can I move the voiceTwo-note to the right of the voiceOne-note to avoid this collision? And how can I tell LilyPond to typeset the last notes (both d2) side-by-side and not both at the same place? Dom

Re: Slur of voiceTwo colliding with notehead of voiceOne

2007-08-02 Thread Gilles THIBAULT
And how can I tell LilyPond to typeset the last notes (both d2) side-by-side and not both at the same place? The only way i know is by using \once \override NoteColumn #'force-hshift = #aNumber (see doc 6.3.5 Collision Resolution ) % \version "2.10.25" fhs = { \o

Re: Slur of voiceTwo colliding with notehead of voiceOne

2007-08-02 Thread Dominic Neumann
2007/8/2, Gilles THIBAULT <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>: > > > And how can I tell LilyPond to typeset the last notes (both d2) > > side-by-side and not both at the same place? > > > > The only way i know is by using > \once \override NoteColumn #'force-hshift = #aNumber > (see doc 6.3.5 Collision Resolution

Four Single Semiquavers In A Row

2007-08-02 Thread Tim Sawyer
Hi, I've just migrated to 2.10 under Ubuntu. With 2.6, this used to produce a line of four single quavers, with tails - not joined together. e16[] e[] e[] e[] How do I achieve the same effect in 2.10? Thanks, Tim. ___ lilypond-user mailing list l

Re: Four Single Semiquavers In A Row

2007-08-02 Thread Dominic Neumann
Hi Tim, try the switch \autoBeamOff: \autoBeamOff e16 e e e Dominic 2007/8/2, Tim Sawyer <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>: > Hi, > > I've just migrated to 2.10 under Ubuntu. With 2.6, this used to produce a > line of four single quavers, with tails - not joined together. > > e16[] e[] e[] e[] > > How do I

Re: Whatis on the fly

2007-08-02 Thread Francois Planiol-Auger
Hi Thanks to all for the answers. So Stephen, if I rightly understand, harakiriStaves for example are "on the fly" ?? I hoped with my question, maybe I could read something making the work with ly easyer and closer to paper-pencil. Till now, I use an adapted and enlarged sh-script that makes m

Re: Four Single Semiquavers In A Row

2007-08-02 Thread Tim Sawyer
Works a treat, thank you very much. Tim. On Thursday 02 Aug 2007, Dominic Neumann wrote: > Hi Tim, > > try the switch \autoBeamOff: > > \autoBeamOff > e16 e e e > > > Dominic > > 2007/8/2, Tim Sawyer <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>: > > Hi, > > > > I've just migrated to 2.10 under Ubuntu. With 2.6, this use

Re: Four Single Semiquavers In A Row

2007-08-02 Thread Kieren MacMillan
try the switch \autoBeamOff: If you want just a single break, don't forget that you can use \noBeam. Cheers, Kieren. ___ lilypond-user mailing list

How to stop LyricExtender-lines?

2007-08-02 Thread Dominic Neumann
Hi, i´ve got the following snippet producing the output you can see in the attached image file. How can I set that the lyric extender line of the 2nd vers stops where the one of the 1st verse stopped? Dominic %% START %% \version "2.10.25" refrain = \lyricmode { tes -- ti yeah. }

Another upgrade/beaming question

2007-08-02 Thread Tim Sawyer
Folks, In4/4 time, \times 4/6 { sn16 sn sn sn sn sn } creates a six, with six notes, semiquaver lines joining them together. Perfect. However, \times 4/6 { sn8 sn16 sn sn sn } in lilypond 2.6, produced a quaver joined to a group of four semiquavers, whilst in 2.10 I get a quaver, a semiquave

Re: How to stop LyricExtender-lines?

2007-08-02 Thread Dominic Neumann
2007/8/2, Reinhold Kainhofer <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>: > Am Donnerstag, 2. August 2007 schrieb Dominic Neumann: > > i´ve got the following snippet producing the output you can see in the > > attached image file. > > How can I set that the lyric extender line of the 2nd vers stops where > > the one of th

Re: How to stop LyricExtender-lines?

2007-08-02 Thread Reinhold Kainhofer
Am Donnerstag, 2. August 2007 schrieb Dominic Neumann: > i´ve got the following snippet producing the output you can see in the > attached image file. > How can I set that the lyric extender line of the 2nd vers stops where > the one of the 1st verse stopped? My hackish workaround for these things

Dashed slurs indicating optional slurs between lyric lines

2007-08-02 Thread Romel Anthony S. Bismonte
After tooling around a bit in LilyPond, I think I may have developed something potentially useful for someone out there. And wouldn't you know, I got to it because I needed it myself! ^_^ In the songbook we use at church, the verses to the song are stacked on top of each other if the melody li

Re: Dashed slurs indicating optional slurs between lyric lines

2007-08-02 Thread Reinhold Kainhofer
Am Donnerstag, 2. August 2007 schrieb Romel Anthony S. Bismonte: > In the songbook we use at church, the verses to the song are stacked on top > of each other if the melody lines are similar enough. But if two notes are > slurred in one verse and sung separately in another, they are connected > wit

Re: How do I make these measures?

2007-08-02 Thread Eric Knapp
On 8/1/07, Eric Knapp <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote: > Hi, all. > > I have attached 2 images of measures that I would like to make in the > best way possible. OK, I guess I asked too vague of a question, again. I will repost with a more complete example of what I'm trying to do. -Eric _

naming output files (maybe a feature request?)

2007-08-02 Thread Kieren MacMillan
Hi all, Is there any way to explicitly name the output files of a score? This is particularly a problem for me when I have multiple \book-s in a single .ly file -- the default file naming (file-1.pdf, file-2.pdf) is not very helpful. I would prefer to do something like: \book { #(set-o