Re: How do I get rehearsal marks at both end and beginning of lines?

2007-02-02 Thread Werner LEMBERG
> > > I want a rehearsal mark at the end of one line, and a different > > > rehearsal mark at the beginning of the next line. > > > > Hmm. I've never seen this before. I assume that you use the > > RehearsalMark grob for something different, right? > > I don't understand your question. Somethin

Re: How do I get rehearsal marks at both end and beginning of lines?

2007-02-02 Thread Robert Kennedy
I wrote: > Werner wrote: > > Robert wrote: > > > I want a rehearsal mark at the end of one line, and a different > > > rehearsal mark at the beginning of the next line. > > Hmm. I've never seen this before. I assume that you use the > > RehearsalMark grob for something different, right? > I don't

Re: How do I get rehearsal marks at both end and beginning of lines?

2007-02-02 Thread Robert Kennedy
> This is what I've said: You are using the RehearsalMark mechanism to > place a fermata and a tempo indication. Neither of them is a real > rehearsal marks actually. The user manual recommends using "\mark" for both of those. See section 8.1.3. If the manual is recommending the wrong way, what

Re: Making a staff take extra vertical space?

2007-02-02 Thread Mats Bengtsson
Robert Kennedy wrote: I wonder, though, how I can get it to appear *below* the chords... One method is to typeset the text as a text script instead of using \mark: | c'4^\markup { \huge \line{ \box "C" \bold "(first time only)" }} Then it will be connected to the stave and therefo

Re: How do I get rehearsal marks at both end and beginning of lines?

2007-02-02 Thread Bertalan Fodor
I think that the whole \mark thing should be rethought by the developers. There should be a way to place markup-s in certain places: - only top staff - aligned to the end/beginning of measure/line/next line. Bert Robert Kennedy írta: This is what I've said: You are using the RehearsalMark mech

Re: How do I get rehearsal marks at both end and beginning of lines?

2007-02-02 Thread Werner LEMBERG
> > This is what I've said: You are using the RehearsalMark mechanism > > to place a fermata and a tempo indication. Neither of them is a > > real rehearsal marks actually. > > The user manual recommends using "\mark" for both of those. See > section 8.1.3. > > If the manual is recommending the

Re: Making a staff take extra vertical space?

2007-02-02 Thread Robert Kennedy
> That's also solve in the latest development versions. How stable are the development versions? If I try using them, will I be happy or more frustrated? Many thanks for your advice! -- Robert ___ lilypond-user mailing list lilypond-user@gnu.

Re: Importing the LilyPond macro into OpenOffice 2.1

2007-02-02 Thread Patrick McCarty
Hi Mike, Try these instructions instead: - Select from the Menu: "Tools" --> "Macros" --> "Organize Macros" --> " Basic..." - Click "Organizer..." - Go to the tab "Libraries" - Select "My Macros & Dialogs" in the drop-down menu under "Location" - Click "Import..." - In the file dia

Re: How do I get rehearsal marks at both end and beginning of lines?

2007-02-02 Thread Robert Kennedy
> Oh, there is a misunderstanding. I haven't said that this is the > wrong way (rather the opposite). I was just wondering what you are > actually trying to do. I see. I explained what I am actually trying to do in a different message. Basically I want "Fine" at the end of one line, and a letter

Re: How do I get rehearsal marks at both end and beginning of lines?

2007-02-02 Thread Mats Bengtsson
Bertalan Fodor wrote: I think that the whole \mark thing should be rethought by the developers. There should be a way to place markup-s in certain places: - only top staff - aligned to the end/beginning of measure/line/next line. That's all possible by setting the alignment to left or right a

Re: How do I get rehearsal marks at both end and beginning of lines?

2007-02-02 Thread Mats Bengtsson
What I normally do is to attach the Fine to a note as a text script and modify the alignment to get it right, but it would be much nicer to be able to attach it to the bar line. /Mats Robert Kennedy wrote: Oh, there is a misunderstanding. I haven't said that this is the wrong way (rather the

Re: Making a staff take extra vertical space?

2007-02-02 Thread Mats Bengtsson
Robert Kennedy wrote: That's also solve in the latest development versions. How stable are the development versions? If I try using them, will I be happy or more frustrated? For the moment, they seem fairly stable. If you browse the bug-lilypond and lilypond-devel mailing list archiv

Re: How do I get rehearsal marks at both end and beginning of lines?

2007-02-02 Thread Bertalan Fodor
I also don't like the idea using RehearsalMarks just because TextScripts can not be aligned as you wish. I generally want to RehearsalMarks as they are now (for things like \mark "A"}, but there are some places in the same score when I want to put some scripts aligned to the end of the measure.

Re: Lyrics Problem

2007-02-02 Thread Mats Bengtsson
See /Mats [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote: Hello! First of all thanks for your help. I already looked at that section of the manual, but somehow I didn't got it to work. With your help it now compiles without errors and warnings,

Re: Lilypond-book indentation

2007-02-02 Thread Mats Bengtsson
Could you please try to reduce this to a small but complete example file that can be processed directly, where you have removed the use of liturgix and other packages and settings that shouldn't affect the result. You might even find the answer to your problem yourself during that process. /Mat

Re: Causing dyanmic text to overlap?

2007-02-02 Thread Mats Bengtsson
I tried \override DynamicText #'X-extent = #'(0 . 0) and expected it to work, but it doesn't completely, even though you do get some overlap. /Mats Trevor Bača wrote: Hi, We usually want to avoid collisions at all cost. But is it possible to get the fortissimo below to vertically alignment

Re: convert-ly broken in 2.10/11.15?

2007-02-02 Thread Stan Sanderson
Thank you Robert and Werner. Werner's suggestion led me to compare the convert-ly scripts in a copy of 2.10.13 and 2.10.15. The path for MacOS is -> Contents -> Resources -> bin -> convert-ly . The following lines were missing in 2.10.15: datadir = '/usr/share/lilypond/2.10.13'

Re: Lilypond-book indentation

2007-02-02 Thread Matthew Syvinski
OK, I have reduced the test case and eliminated dependence on custom package liturgix. The music still indents. Here is the LaTeX file (pascha.latex): \documentclass[letterpaper,12pt]{article} \usepackage{pslatex} \usepackage{multicol} \usepackage{graphicx} \setlength{\parindent}{0in} \oddside

reference manual, examples and MIDI

2007-02-02 Thread Marc Dimmick
Hello! I am new to the world of Lilypond. I have to say that I am fascinated by the beautiful output it produces. But it's also a very complex program and I find myself confused many times. I am working with version 2.10.14 I would like to know if someone can help me with the following. While r

RSS/Atom feed for new releases?

2007-02-02 Thread Benjamin Esham
Hello all, Is there any RSS (or Atom) feed currently set up to track new releases? I try to keep up with the latest stable release of LilyPond, but in order to do so I have to visit the website periodically, which I can never remember to do. I took a look at the git page, and there seem

Problems with LilyPond 2.11.15

2007-02-02 Thread Diosnel Herrnsdorf
Hi there! I'm sorry if this is not the exact place to post this kind of issues... if that is the case, please redirect me to the right place. Anyway, here it goes. Up to this morning, I've been using version 2.11.14 without any problem. Today I decided to download and install the brand new 2

Re: reference manual, examples and MIDI

2007-02-02 Thread Graham Percival
Marc Dimmick wrote: When the manual says "See Program Reference" (for example, See Program Reference TimeScaleMusic), What does it mean? Where do I find or see the program reference? And when it says "see examples" (as in See Example: input/regres

Re: reference manual, examples and MIDI

2007-02-02 Thread Valentin Villenave
2007/2/2, Marc Dimmick <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>: Hello! I am new to the world of Lilypond. I have to say that I am fascinated by the beautiful output it produces. But it's also a very complex program and I find myself confused many times. I am working with version 2.10.14 Welcome to LilyPond :)

Re: Problems with LilyPond 2.11.15

2007-02-02 Thread Rutger Hofman
Diosnel Herrnsdorf wrote: Hi there! I'm sorry if this is not the exact place to post this kind of issues... if that is the case, please redirect me to the right place. ... Interpreting music... C:/Documents and Settings/DiosnelH/My Documents/Scores/Moreno Torroba/Suite Castellana/suite_cas

make-dynamic-script shows mysterious aligning behaviour

2007-02-02 Thread Roland Goretzki
Hi at all, (using version 2.10.14) make-dynamic-script is a nice feature, but there seems to be a bug, from which I don't know, wether it is a lilypond bug or a font bug or something like that: If You have a crescendoText and then an own dynamic with normal text, the dynamic will not align exact

Re: Problems with LilyPond 2.11.15

2007-02-02 Thread Diosnel Herrnsdorf
Thank you, Roger. I'm aware of the apparent problems with the (de)crescendo hairpins, but those did not seem to bother the previous version. The real problem seems to lie way down, when lilypond tries to write a pdf file from the ps output... Thanks again, Diosnel - Original Message

Moving markup box above chord names in a leadsheet?

2007-02-02 Thread seppo silaste
In making lead sheets, I would like to have the part indication box 'c4^ \markup {\box {chorus}}' appear above the chord-names instead of between staff and chord names. I've been searching for hours after a solution but to no avail. Any suggestions? As a new Lilypond user I wonder why the note le

Re: reference manual, examples and MIDI

2007-02-02 Thread Mats Bengtsson
Quoting Valentin Villenave <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>: You didn't mention which OS you're running. If you are on Windows, first install python : Then open a command line with "Start button">run>"cmd" If your file, say, test.mid is in Program Files\Lilypond\usr\bin then

Re: RSS/Atom feed for new releases?

2007-02-02 Thread Mats Bengtsson
The releases used to be announced on the mailing list, but it seems this hasn't been done for the last month or so. /Mats Quoting Benjamin Esham <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>: Hello all, Is there any RSS (or Atom) feed currently set up to track new releases? I try to keep up wit

Re: RSS/Atom feed for new releases?

2007-02-02 Thread Han-Wen Nienhuys
Mats Bengtsson escreveu: > The releases used to be announced on the mailing list >, but it seems this hasn't been done > for the last month or so. Yes; this is laziness on my part. I think there are a couple of sites that track what's happening to lilypond (eg. versiontrac

[no subject]

2007-02-02 Thread Ole Schmidt
Dear all, I use Trillspanners without the "tr" at the beginning (left side) for "vibrato ampio" Yesterday Night I downloaded the last version of LP (2.11.15-1). Now my tweak below does not work any more but I'am not sure if this is the reason \override Voice.TrillSpanner #'edge-text = #'("


2007-02-02 Thread Trevor Bača
On 2/2/07, Ole Schmidt <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote: Dear all, I use Trillspanners without the "tr" at the beginning (left side) for "vibrato ampio" Yesterday Night I downloaded the last version of LP (2.11.15-1). Now my tweak below does not work any more but I'am not sure if this is the reason \o

Re: Problems with LilyPond 2.11.15

2007-02-02 Thread Stan Sanderson
Diosnel- I just ran your file using LilyPond 2.11.15. While there were a number of warnings, the processing completed successfully and the pdf looks good. Now, if I could only play Torroba. I'm using a Mac w/ OS 10.4.8. I posted earlier today about my experience with convert-ly being brok

Re: Problems with LilyPond 2.11.15

2007-02-02 Thread Diosnel Herrnsdorf
Thank you very much, Stan. I managed to run the file with version 2.10.15 without problems (except for those warnings)... I'll try to solve those little "hicups" and see if I can manually convert it to 2.11.15. For the time being, I have to stick to the Win version... I look forward to having a

'gs' is not recognized as a... v2.11.15

2007-02-02 Thread Rick Hansen (aka RickH)
Ijust installed 2.11.15 on Windows XP. I get the following right at the point that LP is converting the ps file to pdf. In the end I get a ps file but no pdf. Is there some setup of the system PATH statement that needs to be made so that gs is recognized? The path to the lilypond bin is in my

Isn't gs supposed to have an extention like .exe?

2007-02-02 Thread Rick Hansen (aka RickH)
v2.11.15 Looking at the folder "C:\Program Files\LilyPond\usr\bin" where lilypond is installed, it appears that the executeable called "gs" does not have a .exe extension. How is the operating system suppoed to know that this is an executeable file (I presume its ghostsscript)? When compilinmg