Am 01/12/2006 um 02:02 schrieb Geoff Horton:
I added this and it worked in itself, but now the bar number
engraver, wich I had removed, is back again.
You can have multiple things in the \layout block, like this:
\layout {
indent = 0.0\cm
\context {
\remove "Bar_numbe
Manuel wrote:
Am 01/12/2006 um 02:02 schrieb Geoff Horton:
I added this and it worked in itself, but now the bar number
engraver, wich I had removed, is back again.
You can have multiple things in the \layout block, like this:
\layout {
indent = 0.0\cm
\context {
Well, that doesn't work in 2.10.0-2, and (according to Rick) in 2.11.x
Because with that you get the message:
C:\Program Files\LilyPond\usr\bin>python -v convert-ly -h
# installing zipimport hook
import zipimport # builtin
# installed zipimport hook
'import site' failed; traceback:
However, this section is not quite up-to-date. Especially regarding my
child, LilyPondTool :-) Look at (Demo and
Documentation/Flash tutorials would give you an impression of what it does)
Mats Bengtsson írta:
There's a section on "Editor support" in the ma
Am 01/12/2006 um 09:38 schrieb Mats Bengtsson:
Manuel wrote:
Am 01/12/2006 um 02:02 schrieb Geoff Horton:
I added this and it worked in itself, but now the bar number
engraver, wich I had removed, is back again.
You can have multiple things in the \layout block, like this:
\layout {
Manuel wrote:
Since you don't say what error message you get or include your file
in the email,
it's impossible to provide any help here.
It says "gescheiterte Dateien".
In that case, I guess that you also get some more warning or error message
above that line, which provide more specifi
Am 01/12/2006 um 10:21 schrieb Mats Bengtsson:
Manuel wrote:
Since you don't say what error message you get or include your
file in the email,
it's impossible to provide any help here.
It says "gescheiterte Dateien".
In that case, I guess that you also get some more warning or error
Right! If you specify one or more header blocks at the top level of the
file, the last one will be used globally for all the scores in the file.
If you want specific titles for each score, include the header block
within the corresponding \score{...} block:
I have posted an announcement on the french mailing list.
When you reply to anybody on the mailing list, don't forget to add ini Cc so that anyone can see your answer :)
As far as I've seen, you've done very well with your wikibook. Maybe
this would be a good idea to make on
I would like to experiment with various layout properties without
editing my existing .LY files. Is there any way of doing this.
Having done this. can I set them as a default so I always get these.
lilypond-user mailing list
I would recommend to set them in a separate .ly file, that you include in
your existing .ly files, see the section on Style sheets for more
Also, read "Changing context default settings" to see how to make
global changes for all scores in a .ly file.
Andrew Black - lists w
Could you please propose an updated formulation to include in the manual.
Bertalan Fodor wrote:
However, this section is not quite up-to-date. Especially regarding my
child, LilyPondTool :-) Look at (Demo
and Documentation/Flash tutorials would give you a
Wow. I downloaded the file to the computer at work (which has
Windows) and it worked perfectly. So, is there an equivalent step I
need to do here in OSX to get this to work?
Am 30.11.2006 um 08:54 schrieb Rick Hansen (aka RickH):
James E. Bailey-2 wrote:
I was reading the archives on
Han-Wen Nienhuys <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:
> Mats Bengtsson escreveu:
>> As already said, this is not available in the current manual and one
>> problem is that
>> this would still just tell a small part of the full syntax. Another
> This should be rather easy to add to the manual. I believe
Han-Wen Nienhuys-2 wrote:
> Bertalan Fodor escreveu:
>> Install the 2.10.0-1 version of LilyPond (and not the bad, 2.10.0-2)
>> Then you will be able to run convert-ly by:
>> - running 'python convert-ly' from C:\Program Files\LilyPond\usr\bin
>> - or by clicking the convert-ly button in Lily
I'm typesetting a piece of music which has 9 parts (labeled 1 through 9). During
some parts of the music, several of the parts have the same music, and so the
original score will reduce the number of staves and label them, e.g. "1,2" or
I'm not sure what the best way to do this in LilyPon
This should be easy to do, using the support for so-called
"French score" described in section "Hiding Staves".
Just insert spacing notes or \skip commands in the
parts that should be removed. Read in "Instrument names"
on how to do the labeling.
Peter Budny wrote:
I'm typesetting a pi
Thanks to all who replied with suggestions. Below is my attempt
(which may have errors in it and certainly doesn't have all the
verses, so be warned if you use it) and as you see I have got the
refrain aligned with the first verse where ideally it would be
As an aside, I have used "\ove
As an aside, I have used "\override Score . LyricText #'font-size =
#'-2" in each block of text to reduce the size of the font, but I'm
sure that it must be possible to do this globally.
It is. Add to your layout:
\context {
\override LyricText #'font-size = #-2
confrey wrote:
> Hi everybody,
> I know some text editors have a support for lilypond; I'd like to know
> what's a fine editor for lilypond, and if it is possible to customize
> gedit (sintax highlighting and statement recognition adn completation).
> bye
> confrey
> --
> confrey
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