Thank you! It worked very well.
The previous tips too.
Result is Chop-28-2 now safely submitted to Mutopiaproject!
On Thu, 11 Nov 2004 10:32:17 +0100
Mats wrote:
> The reason that it doesn't work is that the AccidentalPlacement
> object is created by the Accidental_engraver whic
I've noticed the same problem every now and then for a long time,
mostly it works again if you try some minutes later.
Chip wrote:
I have been looking for info in the archives but the search function is
not working.
Popular question today, see the thread on "markup padding" when they
turn up in the archive or in your mail reader.
To find out yourself, I'm afraid you have to know LilyPond well enough
to realize that c^"Some text" and c^\markup{ \italic "Some text" } is
handled by the same object. Once you know
Graham Percival wrote:
On 8-Nov-04, at 8:34 AM, Aaron wrote:
I have been wrestling with convert-ly and it seems to have beaten me.
convert-ly -e
This example of using convert-ly should be the main example shown at
several places in the manual and the more or less obscure examples that
The command prompt is the command prompt for the Cygwin system which is
like a mini-LINUX operating system running under Windows. LilyPond is
just one of all the available programs in your Cygwin installation.
However, if you read the instructions at
I don't know any simple way to get that. Maybe some of the hackers
can come up with a trick.
Arjan Bos wrote:
I'm writing some vocal music. I have three staves without connecting
bars. I'd like to have a Start Brace, no connecting bars and an End
Brace. The Start Brace and the disconnec
Hi all,
I have just installed lilypond 2.4.2 from Bertalan Fodor.
Everything seems to work, but I get this error message:
Error invoking `latex \\nonstopmode \\input test24.tex > /dev/null
2>&1 '. Return value 256
Thank you,
Please rerun (from the cygwin command line) with the flag
lilypond --verbose
which should give more information on what actually fails.
Thomas Scharkowski wrote:
Hi all,
I have just installed lilypond 2.4.2 from Bertalan Fodor.
Everything seems to work, but I get this error messa
And please send the log file latex created: it will contain the error
Mats Bengtsson wrote:
Please rerun (from the cygwin command line) with the flag
lilypond --verbose
which should give more information on what actually fails.
Thomas Scharkowski wrote:
Hi all,
> lilypond --verbose /cygdrive/f/lilypond/gitarre/Carulli/
GNU LilyPond 2.4.2
Back to this (now that I have a little time to work on it):
Mats Bengtsson wrote:
You don't need that much competence in postscript.
Look at the following example:
a-\markup { \postscript #"0.1 setlinewidth 2 7 moveto 5 1 rlineto
stroke" }
If you want to do it in a lyrics line, I think it's po
Somehow it tries to use ecrm1000 from jknappen's ec fonts package
instead of ec-fonts-mftraced... It tries to use it at me also, but I
have it.
I really don't know why it tries to use it... Perhaps the others know...
lilypond-user mailing list
It seems that the \postscript markup command wasn't
introduced in LilyPond 2.2.x, so you have to do
ges1.-"\\embeddedps{0.1 setlinewidth 2 7 moveto 5 1 rlineto stroke}"
D Josiah Boothby wrote:
Back to this (now that I have a little time to work on it):
Mats Bengtsson wrote:
You do
In version 2.4.x, the jknappen fonts shouldn't be used at all.
Are you sure that you didn't try some old input file that
explicitly set font-name to ecrm1000?
Bertalan Fodor wrote:
Somehow it tries to use ecrm1000 from jknappen's ec fonts package
instead of ec-fonts-mftraced... It tries t
\header {
title = "something"
\score { c}
kpathsea: Running mktextfm ecrm1000
No file proba.aux.
/usr/share/texmf/web2c/mktexnam: Could not map source abbreviation for
It's caused by setting the fontencoding to T1. The default font in the
T1 encoding maps to ecrm that maps to ecrm1000. Perhaps TeX always
create the default font? I don't know where this latter mapping set.
lilypond-user mailing list
I am repeatedly getting requests from the lilypond-user mailing list to
re-enable my subscription because messages sent to me by the list system
keep bouncing.
After consulting with my own mail administrator about the problem, it
appears the messages being bounced are all spam that was sent to
I want to obtain a tie that joins the last chord before first
alternative with identical chord in first and second alternative.
< a b c>~ \alternative { {} { < a b c> } }
This above command produces only a tie between the chord before first
alternative and the chord in first alte
> "Jan" == Jan Nieuwenhuizen <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:
>> The workaround is to change the "< a' c >" that comes in the lilypond
>> output to read "<< a' c >>".
Jan> I guessed that much, but wanted to test it before making changes.
Jan> It's a simple patch, see below, but I h
Search the mailing lists for:
tie alternative ending
Albert Einstein wrote:
I want to obtain a tie that joins the last chord before first
alternative with identical chord in first and second alternative.
< a b c>~ \alternative { {} { < a b c> } }
This above command produc
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How can I put polish letters in tagline of header:
\header {
title = "afd"
composer = "afd"
tagline = "asf"
If I must attach babel package give me an example, OK?
lilypond-user mailing list
I tried replacing the long sequence of "\skip 1" lines with both:
\skip 1*4
\skip 1*24
1*4 to skip 4 bars, and 1*24 because I've got 24 \skip lines.
I don't understand the results. Both 1*4 and 1*24 ended up with the lyric
(2. The) printed under the 4th note (note, not bar) in the piece.
Thanks for you answers. By the way, I already solve this problem,
using another command, \lyrics (non-documented in 2.4, I think),
instead \lyricmode.
About separated stems between the parts, I hope that's better to keep
it joined on choir musics, because the most hymn scores I know keep
I try to put the composer's year of birth and death below his name,
right-aligned, but I can't do it.
See the attempt below:
\version "2.4.1"
title = "A Title Song"
composer = \markup \column <{"Composer Name"} {\right-align
poet = "J.S.F."
The only place I need it is at the end, to make very clear that the
piece has ended. But an occasional spanned bar would be welcome too.
On 12 nov 2004, at 10:43, Mats Bengtsson wrote:
I don't know any simple way to get that. Maybe some of the hackers
can come up with a trick.
Arjan Bos
I tried to lilypond code from
but I obtain error message.
What it must be set instead of \property command?
% First possibility:
\score{\notes\relative c'{
\bar "|:"
c d e f |
g g g2
% Initialize first ending
lilypond-user mailing list
I can't compile:
\score{\notes\relative c'{
\bar "|:"
c d e f |
g g g2
% Initialize first ending
\set Score.repeatCommands = #'((volta "1."))
f4 g e2 |
% End the first ending, start the second ending.
\set Score.repeatCommands = #'((volta #f) end-repeat (volta "2."))
f4 e f2 |
g1 \bar
Thanks all, but I can't get it to work.
I'm doing
\time 4/4
\property Staff.TimeSignature \set #'style = #'()
\clef bass
b1:32~b4^"L.V." r4 r2 b1:32~b4~<< \hideNotes b4 \unHideNotes r4 >> r2
\bar "|."
On 12-Nov-04, at 1:22 PM, Albert Einstein wrote:
I tried to lilypond code from
Update that score with convert-ly. My guess is that the example
worked in something like LilyPond 1.6.0; modify the file accordingly
and run convert
In which version was used command \property?
I want to apply convert-ly to files with this command.
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