Re: Manual section: templates (mostly piano)

2004-08-30 Thread Jan Nieuwenhuizen
Graham Percival writes: > Hi all, this is your new Documentation Editor. That's great, thanks! Jan. -- Jan Nieuwenhuizen <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> | GNU LilyPond - The music typesetter | ___ lil

Re: Changes in Line Spacing between versions

2004-08-30 Thread Mats Bengtsson
What do you mean by "latest version"? The latest stable version, 2.2.x, shouldn't differ much from earlier version in this respect, but in the latest development version, 2.3.x, the titling and the placement of score lines on paper has been completely reimplemented, so you could expect differences.

Re: Manual section: templates (mostly piano)

2004-08-30 Thread Mats Bengtsson
I hope you have also found the "Tips and tricks" and "Regression tests" documents. They are often the best source of examples. /Mats Robinson P. Tryon 03 wrote: I'm relatively new to using lilypond. I've struggled with the syntax and have had problems finding clear documentation for certain typ

Re: page break woes, ties, and more

2004-08-30 Thread Mats Bengtsson
Graham Percival wrote: On 29-Aug-04, at 11:53 AM, Robinson P. Tryon 03 wrote: Is this a common problem? Is "\newpage" a suggestion to lilypond/TeX that does not necessarily need to be followed? It's a bug. I'm not certain if it's been fixed in the devel version yet or not. Is there something

Re: Manual section: templates (mostly piano)

2004-08-30 Thread Mats Bengtsson
Oh, and does anybody know how to get a dump of all wiki messages? I'd like to merge documentation-related messages that people have left in the wiki into the manual, but I'm finding wiki a bit confusing. Just click on the "RecentChanges" or if you want the full list, click on "TitleIndex" and

lilypond in Fink

2004-08-30 Thread Will Oram
Is it just me, or are fink's package database listings ( not matching up with fink's mirror servers? I haven't been able to fetch lilypond-unstable .12 and .13 at all. fink keeps insisting .11 is my most recent version. I've tried va

Beam starting point when doing cue notes

2004-08-30 Thread Alex Klein
Hi guys, I'm using the code from the cue note example and the resizing works fine, but a group of 8ths that is beamed seams to have the beam to high, thus the stem of the note becomes huge in proportion to the small note head. Does anyone know how one can adjust the beam to fit the cue-note sty

Re: lilypond in Fink

2004-08-30 Thread Stan Sanderson
On Aug 30, 2004, at 3:33 PM, Will Oram wrote: Is it just me, or are fink's package database listings ( not matching up with fink's mirror servers? I haven't been able to fetch lilypond-unstable .12 and .13 at all. fink keeps insisting

Embedding LateX code into markups

2004-08-30 Thread Walter Hofmeister
Lilypond 2.2.5 on Mac OS X 10.3.4 Hello. I am trying make up an indication for Classic Guitar Barre and half-barre indications. For the full barre I am using: \markup { \bold \large { C } } and for half-barre: \markup { \bold \large { 1/2C } }. These work OK but I would like to type-set the frac

Re: lilypond in Fink

2004-08-30 Thread Graham Percival
On 30-Aug-04, at 1:33 PM, Will Oram wrote: Is it just me, or are fink's package database listings ( not matching up with fink's mirror servers? I haven't been able to fetch lilypond-unstable .12 and .13 at all. fink keeps insisting .1

"Python2 has caused an error..."

2004-08-30 Thread Kim Bastin
Downloaded and installed Lilypond for MS Windows. Ran the test with Received error message: "Python2 has caused an error in CYGINTL-2.DLL. Python2 will now close." This message appeared about five(!) times, and I dismissed it each time. The test did complete and a pdf of two tied c3's wa