9. feb. 2012 17.21 skrev Helge Kruse :
> Am 09.02.2012 12:45, schrieb Francisco Vila:
>> Files attached.
> I dislike the binocles at the right hand side.
I like those ;-)
> Helge
> ___
> lilypond-user mailing list
> lilypond-user@gnu.org
Am 09.02.2012 12:45, schrieb Francisco Vila:
Files attached.
I dislike the binocles at the right hand side.
lilypond-user mailing list
2012/2/9 James :
> I like the lilypad and flowers 'icon', but with the typography (and
> maybe it's just me) all I can see are 'buttocks'
+1, lol!
lilypond-user mailing list
2012/2/9 James :
> Francisco,
> I like the lilypad and flowers 'icon', but with the typography (and
> maybe it's just me) all I can see are 'buttocks'
Ah, blame your eyes! I see arabic script and half notes ;-) Yes, it's
way too stylized.
Francisco Vila. Badajoz (Spain)
www.paconet.org , www.
7;t it be nice to have something like that for the word "LilyPond" ? A
>> standard way to display "LilyPond" in documents and for example in the
>> default lilypond tagline ?
>> I personally would not choose something fancy like (La)TeX uses.
2012/2/9 Martin Tarenskeen :
> Hi,
> Everyone who knows a bit about TeX/LaTeX knows what the result looks like
> when you use \LaTeX or \TeX in your source text.
> Wouldn't it be nice to have something like that for the word "LilyPond" ? A
> standard
Janek Warchoł writes:
> 2012/2/9 Martin Tarenskeen :
>> Wouldn't it be nice to have something like that for the word "LilyPond" ? A
>> standard way to display "LilyPond" in documents and for example in the
>> default lilypond tagline ?
> Idea
2012/2/9 Martin Tarenskeen :
> Wouldn't it be nice to have something like that for the word "LilyPond" ? A
> standard way to display "LilyPond" in documents and for example in the
> default lilypond tagline ?
Idea seems nice to me, however this was discussed bef
Everyone who knows a bit about TeX/LaTeX knows what the result looks like
when you use \LaTeX or \TeX in your source text.
Wouldn't it be nice to have something like that for the word "LilyPond" ?
A standard way to display "LilyPond" in documents and for example