Unfortunately, it seems that the LilyPond Snippet Repository (LSR) at
http://lsr.dsi.unimi.it/ doesn't work correctly for the moment, but as
soon as it does, you will be able to find an example file there that
does exactly what you want, if I recall correctly.
Quoting Emil A <[EMAIL
The reason I want to do this is because in drum notation, a buzz roll is
indicated with a "z" on the stem (or in the case of a whole note, just below
the head). So what I want is a script that always places the text (in this
case "z") under the note head.
I have used the following script
z = #(de
2008/8/11 Emil Anonymous <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>:
> I want to put text on certain stems, just under the notehead. How do I do
> this?
I don't know what you're trying to achieve, but I'm not certain
overriding extra-offset is the best solution here: it can cause many
ugly collisions.
Besides, you're
Hi there,
I want to put text on certain stems, just under the notehead. How do I do
I could of course use e.g.
\once \override Score.TextScript #'extra-offset = #'(-.5 . 3)
c1_\markup{\large "text"}
but this is too much work in every instance and as there is a lot of this
(and the