Re: [midi] [articulate] \stopTrillSpan, \staccatissimo, and \appoggiatura

2009-10-01 Thread Iain Nicol
Hi, [sorry about the earlier double post] On Thu, 2009-10-01 at 12:01 +1000, Peter Chubb wrote: > Hmm It should make it d8 c8 -- in Baroque and other early music > (which is my main area of interest), an appogiatura starts at the > start of the main note, and takes half its value. Maybe you wan

[midi] [articulate] \stopTrillSpan, \staccatissimo, and \appoggiatura

2009-10-01 Thread Iain Nicol
against the copy of articulate linked to from <>; the patches should apply with `patch < file.diff' in the same directory as 1. Trills. I'm not sure about this(!), but my interpretation of the fragment c\startT

Re: [midi] [articulate] \stopTrillSpan, \staccatissimo, and \appoggiatura

2009-09-30 Thread Peter Chubb Oh, Thanks!!! I'll review it later when I have a moment. Iain> 1. Trills. I'm not sure about this(!), but my interpretation of Iain> the fragment c\startTrillSpan d e\stopTrillSpan is that it's Iain> similar to c\trill d\trill e In contrast, articulate thinks it

[midi] [articulate] \stopTrillSpan, \staccatissimo, and \appoggiatura

2009-09-30 Thread Iain Nicol
ulate linked to from <>; the patches should apply with `patch < file.diff' in the same directory as 1. Trills. I'm not sure about this(!), but my interpretation of the fragment c\startTrillSpan d e\stopTrillSpa

Re: stopTrillSpan

2008-06-15 Thread James E. Bailey
t; (or whatever they're called now). Hope this helps! Kieren. % \version "2.11.47" original = \relative c' { \pitchedTrill 1\startTrillSpan a | << \relative g' { g1\stopTrillSpan } \\

Re: stopTrillSpan

2008-06-15 Thread Kieren MacMillan
led now). Hope this helps! Kieren. % \version "2.11.47" original = \relative c' { \pitchedTrill 1\startTrillSpan a | << \relative g' { g1\stopTrillSpan } \\ \relative c' { c2 b } >&


2008-06-15 Thread James E. Bailey
I'm sure there is, and I just can't think my way around it, but I'm having a problem with a trillspan that starts in a one-voice context and ends in a two-voice context. Like this: \relative c'{ \pitchedTrill 1\startTrillSpan a | <<\relative g'