Just as for todays tuplet bracket question, you can explicitly specify
the minimum length of the fall/doit:
noteFix = {
\once \override BendAfter #'springs-and-rods =
\once \override BendAfter #'minimum-length = #10
fixedMusic =
r16 a a8 a16 a8 \noteFix g16
Thanks Kieren,
That's definately a keeper in my mailbox. I was looking at everything
about spacer notes and spacer rests trying to get something to work
there and nothing did. Your solution is perfect.
Kieren MacMillan wrote:
Hi Chip,
How do I resolve this?
When it comes to s
Hi Chip,
How do I resolve this?
When it comes to spacing, I only resort to "spacer notes" in rare
circumstances — instead, I prefer to manipulate the X-extent of the
objects, to force the space I need. Here's an example in this case:
\version "2.12.0"
\include "english.ly"
r16 a a8 a16 a8 g16-\bendAfter #-4
In the above snippet the drop at the end of the measure is cut short by
the barline. I reviewed the info in the manuals about spacer notes but
just don't get how to insert a little extra space between the barline
and the drop. Right now the drop line gets cut