> I came up with this example trying to get a segno on a barline. I tried
> an old and a new way to do this. Can someone tell what's going on
> and/or how to get a segno on a barline in 2.0.0?
> TIA,
> Paul Scott
> #(define segno '(music "scripts-segno"))
> \
Han-Wen Nienhuys wrote:
try \markup { \musicglyph #"scripts-segno" }
Which leads to:
msegno = { \mark \markup { \musicglyph #"scripts-segno" } }
\score {
\property Score.skipBars = ##t
\context Staff = clarinet <<
\notes {
\time 3/4
R4*3*2 \mseg
I came up with this example trying to get a segno on a barline. I tried
an old and a new way to do this. Can someone tell what's going on
and/or how to get a segno on a barline in 2.0.0?
Paul Scott
#(define segno '(music "scripts-segno"))
\score {
\property Score.skipBar