Thank you so much for your *magic* functions !
It works fine.
So my next step would probably be to them, then to make them deal
with whole-mesure rests. I precisely planned to master scheme programming in
a few... years !
In fact, I did hope there would be a built-in command, or vari
"Germain G. Ivanoff-Trinadtzaty" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:
> Would you know another way to get rests merged
> without introducing layout tricks in the music ?
Yes. I have the following two files in my private include directory
Description: application/lilypo
I'm setting polyphonic vocal music.
Same noteheads from different voices are engraved on the same place. This is ok.
Same rests are not. Bad for me.
\version "2.11.22"
TenorOneNotes = \relative c' { c4 d e a, | d2 r }
TenorTwoNotes = \relative c' { a4 b c a | gis2 r }