Re: publish separate drum exercises in one pdf file

2008-02-27 Thread Mats Bengtsson
ismaehkloa wrote: I am transcribing my daughter's hand written drum exercises into lilypond. I'd love to be able to have each week's exercises on one pdf page. I am working in windows and have problems running lilypond-book (I think). It shouldn't be any problem. However, you can also do the

publish separate drum exercises in one pdf file

2008-02-27 Thread ismaehkloa
eTwo \down } >> \layout { \context{} } \midi { \context { \Score tempoWholesPerMinute = #(ly:make-moment 80 4) } } } % the resolution of the png bitmaps is 127dpi; % a paper size of 140mm x 30 mm will lead to a bitmap of % 700x 150 pixels #(ly:set-opti