Sorry, I always forget to change the sender address, so I send it again.
Jan already got this email I think...
Am Don, 2003-07-10 um 12.15 schrieb Jan Nieuwenhuizen:
> > Yes shure, because dvipdf or ps2pdf doesn't create screenfriendly
> > documents.
> Did you try ly2dvi --pdf? What do you
Arne Bosien <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:
> > Do you have a particularly reason to use --pdeftex?
> Yes shure, because dvipdf or ps2pdf doesn't create screenfriendly pdf
> documents.
Did you try ly2dvi --pdf? What do you mean by screenfriendly?
Jan Nieuwenhuizen <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Arne Bosien <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:
>> Do you have a particularly reason to use --pdeftex?
> Yes shure, because dvipdf or ps2pdf doesn't create
> screenfriendly pdf documents. I also can't use the LaTeX
> hyperref-package, for example with lilypond-book.
dvips -Ppdf then ps2pdf should use T
> Do you have a particularly reason to use --pdeftex?
Yes shure, because dvipdf or ps2pdf doesn't create screenfriendly pdf
documents. I also can't use the LaTeX hyperref-package, for example with
lilypond-book. But at this point I am only trying to get to know all the
lilypond features.
Arne Bosien <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:
> But now I have a problem. I took the source code from the lilypond
> tutorial
> saved it to "" and invoked "ly2dvi --pdftex". And this is what
> it said:
Do you have a particularly reason to use --pdeftex? If not, you
should try ly2dvi --pdf.
The pdftex option is still very experimental and is not always
updated when lilypond changes. Use 'ly2dvi -p' to get a PDF
Arne Bosien wrote:
I am quite new to lilypond, but as far as I explored it, I like it.
But now I have a problem. I took the source code from the lilypon
I am quite new to lilypond, but as far as I explored it, I like it.
But now I have a problem. I took the source code from the lilypond
--- CODE ---
\score {
\notes {
\time 3/4
\clef bass
c2 e4 g2.
f4 e d c2.
\paper { }