Re: pb with epsfile

2006-10-17 Thread Martial
The good syntaxe : La bonne syntaxe est : \version "2.9" \score { \relative c { \clef bass c^\markup { \epsfile #0 #5 #"tirer.eps" } } } tirer.pdf Description: Adobe PDF document ___ lilypond-user mailing list lilypond-user@

Tr : pb with epsfile

2006-10-17 Thread Jean-marc LEGRAND
Jean-marc LEGRAND

pb with epsfile

2006-10-17 Thread Jean-marc LEGRAND
Hi list. I've been through the list, tests and doc, but I can't find an answer. Using 2.9 on XP I'm trying to insert an eps file into a music for the viol. Here's my \version "2.9" \include "tirer.eps" \score { \clef bass \relative c { c^\markup { \epsfile #0 #5 #"tirer.ep