On Wed 02 Mar 2016 at 23:50:00 (-0500), Sam Bivens wrote:
> My question is whether or not it's possible, with a single .ly file,
> to compile this twice on a single sheet of 8.5x11in letter paper;
> once on the top half, once on the bottom. Ideally both halves of the
> paper would include everythi
Hi everyone,
Attached is a MWE that you can mostly ignore: it's just c'1 on 8.5x5.5in
paper (the top half of a sheet of letter paper).
My question is whether or not it's possible, with a single .ly file, to
compile this twice on a single sheet of 8.5x11in letter paper; once on
the top half,
I thought this might be useful to put 'out there' on the user list*
A few months ago someone asked on this list how to create a page of (what were
essentially) single-measure, two staff-line (with Clef) 'mini scores'. Used, I
seemed to recall, for making tables of 'chords'.
I did a bit
I'm trying to typeset a piece, that should fit on a single
page. Lilypond keeps trying to put it on two pages.
Perhaps you can try to forbid lilypond to do so with :
\layout {
\context {
\override NonMusicalPaperColumn #'page-break-permission = ##f
#(ly:make-moment 1 2)
> -Original Message-
> [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] On
> Sent: Saturday, 4 October 2008 20:45
> To: lilypond-user@gnu.org
> Subject: Shrinking to fit on a sing
arch a few weeks ago when trying to make one of my pieces fit on three
instead of four pages. Very handy setting!
I'm trying to typeset a piece, that should fit on a single
page. Lilypond keeps trying to put it on two pages.
I've put in
st-bottom = ##t
% bottom-margin=0\mm
% top-margin=0\mm
% paper-height=310\mm
U can even omit *system-count = #4* and it will fit in 3 systems (at least
on my system).
View this message in context:
Add this line to your \paper block:
page-count = 1
I'm trying to typeset a piece, that should fit on a single
page. Lilypond keeps trying to put it on two pages.
I've put in
I'm trying to typeset a piece, that should fit on a single
page. Lilypond keeps trying to put it on two pages.
I've put in
and measured the system height, and the single system that flows onto
page two
title on each
see also http://lsr.dsi.unimi.it/LSR/Item?id=310
On 13.03.2008, at 11:23, Steffen Pfundmaier wrote:
Hello together,
since a couple of month I'm using lilypond and I like it more and
more. For my lessons ( I'm teaching viola) I often need to combine
e of month I'm using lilypond and I like it more and
more. For my lessons ( I'm teaching viola) I often need to combine
various small pieces on a single page. How to do that?
Each one of this file.ly is looking like:
\version ...
\header { ...}
upperVoice = \relative c
Hello together,
since a couple of month I'm using lilypond and I like it more and more.
For my lessons ( I'm teaching viola) I often need to combine various
small pieces on a single page. How to do that?
Each one of this file.ly is looking like:
\version ...
\header { ...}
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