> So the following does what you want because the lambda returns #f
> You may also want to look at "music-map", also defined in
> music-functions.scm.
+1 but music-map will not show the tied event, because music-map doesn't care
of 'articulation property (in my memory, in the past, it does). So
I am trying to display all the names that appear in a piece of music
(NoteEvent etc.) using map-some-music. It the function musNam is only
printing the top level name. What am I missing here?
\version "2.18.2"
#(define (name-of music) (display-scheme-music (ly:music-property
unction (parser location myx) (ly:music?)
(lambda (evt) (name-of evt) #f)
#{ #})
music = {c ~ c}
\musNam #music
View this message in context:
I am trying to display all the names that appear in a piece of music
(NoteEvent etc.) using map-some-music. It the function musNam is only
printing the top level name. What am I missing here?
\version "2.18.2"
#(define (name-of music) (display-scheme-music (ly:music-property