2007/4/20, Davide Sali <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>:
Merci beaucoup à l'avance, pour votre aide, et surtout pour Lilypond...
Davide Sali
[Just in case, I'm suggesting to redirect this topic to the French
list ; however, any contribution is still welcome here...]
Bonjour Davide,
vous serez sans dout
> Absolute beginner with music notation, I often have to enter unmetered music
> in
> Lilypond. My problem is that a long phrase (Bénis_le_Seigneur_ô_mon_âme, for
> example) is often sung over the same note, breve or other in notation. Now,
> Lilypond centers the text bloc under the note; so, I h
Absolute beginner with music notation, I often have to enter unmetered music in
Lilypond. My problem is that a long phrase (Bénis_le_Seigneur_ô_mon_âme, for
example) is often sung over the same note, breve or other in notation. Now,
Lilypond centers the text bloc under the note; so, I have text out