Hi Kristof,
2008/12/19 kristof :
> after browsing a bit through the documentation, i thought something like
>\once \override StemTremolo #'slope = #0.3
>\once \override StemTremoloe #'X-extent = #5
>\once \override StemTremoloe #'Y-extent = #5
At 06:06 p.m. 19/12/2008, Andrew Hawryluk wrote:
Your email arrived without the PDF and the PNG. I think the -user list
requires that email + attachment size be less than 96KB.
oops, sorry. dind't realise that. i uploaded them to my site instead now
this is wat i get:
Your email arrived without the PDF and the PNG. I think the -user list
requires that email + attachment size be less than 96KB.
On Fri, Dec 19, 2008 at 9:51 AM, kristof
> hi,
> this is the first time i'm trying to make a score in lilypond, so excuse me
> if i'm asking stupid ques
this is the first time i'm trying to make a score in lilypond, so
excuse me if i'm asking stupid questions of if i'm overlooking
something obvious..
when i make a two note tremolo, with the flowing code:
\repeat "tremolo" 16 {32 32 }
it looks like in the attached tremolo