Thank you for the override and tweak Pierre!
Simon, my following question is just a curiosity to understand better how
Lilypond works and the philosophy of this tool. Is for historical reason
that there are two different engravers (Regarding Fingering_engraver and
New_fingering_engraver)? Could it
Or tweak it:
%\override Fingering.staff-padding = #'()
c'-\tweak staff-padding #'()-1
2016-11-07 7:49 GMT+01:00 Pierre Perol-Schneider <>:
> Hi Gianmaria,
> You can also override the staff padding:
> {
> \override Fingering.staff-padding = #
Hi Gianmaria,
You can also override the staff padding:
\override Fingering.staff-padding = #'()
2016-11-07 1:08 GMT+01:00 Simon Albrecht :
> On 07.11.2016 00:17, Gianmaria Lari wrote:
>> In the manual is written:
>> By default, vertically oriented fingering
On 07.11.2016 00:17, Gianmaria Lari wrote:
In the manual is written:
By default, vertically oriented fingerings are positioned outside
the staff. However, this behavior can be canceled. Note: you must
use a chord construct <>, even if it is only a single note.
Why to obtain this be
In the manual is written:
By default, vertically oriented fingerings are positioned outside the
staff. However, this behavior can be canceled. Note: you must use a chord
construct <>, even if it is only a single note.
Why to obtain this behavior the chord construct is mandatory?