Thanks folks
I suspect there may be bug somewhere in there, but your solution
suits me just fine.
Kudos for a rapid answer.
lilypond-user mailing list
On 29 August 2010 15:09, Roman Stawski wrote:
> I'm having some difficulty getting break-visibility to work with
> ambitus. In the example below I set #'break-visibility to ##(#f #f #f)
> which should stop the ambitus from rendering in any position. However,
> I still see the ambitus at line ends
2010/8/29 Roman Stawski :
> \override Ambitus #'break-visibility = ##(#f #f #f)
> \override NoteHead #'color = #red
> \override AmbitusNoteHead #'color = #cyan
> The actual problem is to display the ambitus at the beginning of a
> second line after a one-line intro without having it s
Hi folks
I'm having some difficulty getting break-visibility to work with
ambitus. In the example below I set #'break-visibility to ##(#f #f #f)
which should stop the ambitus from rendering in any position. However,
I still see the ambitus at line ends, in the middle of lines and at
line beginnin