> I volunteer for opening an issue ;-). I have barely any idea of how
> those commands work, much less of how to explain them to someone
> else.
Then do so, please!
I volunteer for opening an issue ;-). I have barely any idea of how those
commands work, much less of how to explain them to someone else.
> On Nov 17, 2022 at 7:58 AM, mailto:w...@gnu.org)> wrote:
> > By the way, shouldn'
> By the way, shouldn't \with-dimension(-from) be documented here
> https://lilypond.org/doc/v2.23/Documentation/notation/dimensions.html
> ?
I don't think so. However, it makes probably sense to mention related
markup commands in the 'See also' section.
Do you volunteer for a MR? :-)
Actually, I see now that line spanners also support absolute
shifts (I didn't remember that, in spite of having worked on
that code ...). So, just do
\version "2.23.81"
- \tweak style #'line
- \tweak bound-details.left.stencil-offset #'(0 . -0.4)
- \tweak bound-details.right.ar
Thank you! I would've never been able to figure that out by myself! By the
way, shouldn't \with-dimension(-from) be documented here
https://lilypond.org/doc/v2.23/Documentation/notation/dimensions.html ?
This is a good snippet for the repository, I think (I actually wonder why
this is not the defau
Le 16/11/2022 à 16:26, Martín Rincón Botero a écrit :
Hello, the following code produces text on both sides of the spanner
that looks vertically well aligned with the upper limit of its box
instead of the inferior one:
- \tweak style #'line
- \tweak bound-details.left.stencil
Hello, the following code produces text on both sides of the spanner that
looks vertically well aligned with the upper limit of its box instead of
the inferior one:
- \tweak style #'line
- \tweak bound-details.left.stencil-align-dir-y #CENTER
- \tweak bound-details.right.arrow ##