Hi, Jan:
one question is still open for me:
is there a way to typeset vibrato (it should look like arpeggio, but
horizontal, not vertical)?
I've never seen such a thing, but...
1. Try a TrillSpanner.
2. Try an arpeggio, and then use #'rotation to spin it to horizontal.
Hope this helps.
Am Mittwoch, 16. Mai 2007 10:28 schrieben Sie:
> You mean something like
> \version "2.10.0"
> \score{
> \relative c'{
> c1 |
> \once \override TextSpanner #'style = #'trill
> c ~
> \startTextSpan |
> c
> \stopTextSpan |
> d |
> }
> }
Exactly, thanks.
MfG Jan
OpenPGP Fingerprin
You mean something like
\version "2.10.0"
\relative c'{
c1 |
\once \override TextSpanner #'style = #'trill
% \once \override TextSpanner #'style = #'trill
c ~
\startTextSpan |
\stopTextSpan |
d |
Jan Kohnert wrote:
Hallo all,
one question is still open for me:
Hallo all,
one question is still open for me:
is there a way to typeset vibrato (it should look like arpeggio, but
horizontal, not vertical)?
I'm sure I've seen that on mutopia some years ago, but soehow I cannot find it
MfG Jan
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