Re: Two problems with << ... >>: Forgetting dynamicUp and losing lyrics

2007-10-04 Thread Martial
Hi, see the section 7.3.6 Another way of entering lyrics and try this : %%--- \new Staff \relative c'' { \dynamicUp a\p << { g'4.^\f } \\ \new Voice = "vII" { \voiceTwo c,4( b8) a } >> } \addlyrics { \set associatedVoice = #"vII" one two three } %%

Two problems with << ... >>: Forgetting dynamicUp and losing lyrics

2007-10-04 Thread Joseph Haig
Attached is a file showing two problems I have using << >> to temporarily split a vocal part. 1) I have set \dynamicUp but this setting is ignored within the angled brackets. I could put \dynamicUp inside every set angled brackets, but is it possible to set this globally? 2) The lyrics skip the