Am 14.08.2011 um 12:52 schrieb Neil Puttock:
> I don't think you need a new engraver for this; overriding the stencil
> should suffice since the time signature fraction is passed to
> TimeSignature via the property 'fraction:
Of course, I came via the scheme-engraver-street and didn't saw the simp
On 14 August 2011 08:48, Jan-Peter Voigt wrote:
> I will optimize and use overrides for this engraver - the markup is a first
> shot. If I have time and/or a need, I will look for another context than
> Dynamics.
I don't think you need a new engraver for this; overriding the stencil
should suffi
Thank you Neil,
now I created the following time-signature engraver:
\version "2.14.2"
#(define-public orff (lambda (context)
(let ((time-signature '())
(last-fraction #f))
. ,(lambda (trans)
On 13 August 2011 10:27, Jan-Peter Voigt wrote:
> So my question is: How do I catch the right event and get the time sig probs
> to display?
There's no event* for time signatures; they're generated when certain
context properties change.
See the scheme engraver I posted here for an idea:
Hello List,
I was trying to create a time-signature-engraver, wich displays the meter above
the system. You can see this for example in Orff's Carmina.
Well, I can use
\new Dynamics \with { \consists "Time_signature_engraver" } { \meta }
where meta contains the timing information of the piece li