Thank you!
I just dicovered that it worked as expected for my file, but jPedal
lilypondtool does not show the dashes but a solid line.
Printing and viewing with adobe reader or gsview is ok.!
> for me it works (version 2.11.57, Windows XP SP3):
>\relative c'' { \override TextSpanne
for me it works (version 2.11.57, Windows XP SP3):
\relative c'' { \override TextSpanner #'dash-fraction = #0.7 b 1
\startTextSpan c e, \stopTextSpan }
\relative c'' { \override TextSpanner #'dash-fraction = #0.2 b 1
\startTextSpan c e, \stopTextSpan }
in case your code defines another
I always get a line instead of dashes.
Shouldn't setting dash-fraction to e.g. 0.2 work?
\override Voice.TextSpanner #'dash-fraction = #'0.2
LilyPond 2.11.57
Windows XP SP3
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