Please read section "Score is a single musical expression" in the manual.
mojocojo2000 wrote:
Thanks for the response. Now I'm running into a different problem.
I revised my and my Here's what they look like:
woodwinds = {
% 2 flute
\new StaffGroup \keepWithTag #'woodwinds \music
>> \new StaffGroup \keepWithTag #'brass \music
>> \new StaffGroup \keepWithTag #'percussion \music
>> \new Staf
I'm not sure that you have correctly understood the syntax of \tag.
For example in
\tag #'woodwinds <<
the tag applies to the full music expression << ... >>, not only to the
end of the line.
mojocojo2000 wrote:
I'm trying to create a grand staff around two oboe parts when sco
up \keepWithTag #'percussion \music
\new StaffGroup \keepWithTag #'strings \music
\layout { }
\midi { }
The problem is when I compile I get an error about unexpected >>.