Valentin Petzel writes:
> Hello Arjen,
> I’m wondering if in your case it ight be beneficial to not create two
> Hairpins, but rather a special case stencil like this:
Huh. Maybe this would not be the worst strategy for implementing messa
di voce graphically in general. It would take care of
(ly:stencil-add st1 st2 tst)))
expr = -\tweak stencil #ly:expr-hairpin::print -\<
2\expr 2\!
2\mp\expr 2\!
1\mp\tweak text \markup\dynamic f \expr 1 1 \!
Am Sonntag, 24. September 2023, 16:58:18 CEST schrieb Arjen:
> Hi,
> I'm tryin
On Sun, Sep 24, 2023 at 9:12 AM Arjen wrote:
> Tweaking with the lengths of the spacers turns out very difficult and
> results in hairpins at unequal vertical positions:
> \version "2.24.1"
> \new Voice \relative <<
>{ c'2 c2 }
>{ s4...\< s32\! s2\> <>\! }
> >>
What I use in this situ
On 2023-09-24 16:58, Arjen wrote:
I'm trying to place symmetrical hairpins under a bar, but it turns
out that the left (crescendo) hairpin is longer than the right
(descrescendo) hairpin.
I'm trying to place symmetrical hairpins under a bar, but it turns out
that the left (crescendo) hairpin is longer than the right
(descrescendo) hairpin.
\version "2.24.1"
\new Voice \relative <<
{ c'2 c2 }
{ s2\< s2\> <>\! }