On Tue, Nov 16, 2010 at 03:07, eluze wrote:
> i would try
> { c'1^( \hideNotes c') c'^( \unHideNotes c') }
> you then might want to make barlines disappear:
> \override Staff.BarLine #'stencil = ##f
Thanks to you and Bill Mooney for your suggestions -- I'll try them out tonight.
i would try
{ c'1^( \hideNotes c') c'^( \unHideNotes c') }
you then might want to make barlines disappear:
\override Staff.BarLine #'stencil = ##f
lilypond-user mailing list
Hi Garrett ,
You could try this :-
c4^( s) \once \override Slur #'control-points = #'( ( -10 . -2) ( -7 .
0) ( -2 . 0) ( 1 . -2) )
s^( d)
the ^s force the slur up'ards ( use _ if you want it down)
the numbers in the 'control pints part are found by trial and error :)
they're x,y pairs for place
Hi, all. I'm transcribing Riley's "In C" to experiment with in my
community band from the CC-licensed version on the IMSLP. The sixth
theme shows two whole notes, slurred to and from empty space between
them. It's pretty well exactly expressed by the LP syntax
C1( S) S( C)
However, when I try thi