Shifting rests breaks beaming

2016-09-06 Thread Peter Crighton
Hello all, based on Paul Morris’ restShifter (, I wrote a function beautifying the vertical placement of rests in a TabStaff. Unfortunately, this does seem to break rests under beams – or rather the beams themselves, they now

Re: Shifting rests horizontally

2014-04-18 Thread Kieren MacMillan
Hi Andrew, > How does one shift a rest in a voice horizontally to avoid collisions with > notes in other voices? Using force-hshift on the NoteColumn does not seems to > move them. Using version 2.19.4. Could you give an example of a collision? This would certainly be considered a bug, as the \

Re: Shifting rests horizontally

2014-04-18 Thread Pierre Perol-Schneider
2014-04-18 9:05 GMT+02:00 Andrew Bernard : > How does one shift a rest in a voice horizontally to avoid collisions with > notes in other voices? Using force-hshift on the NoteColumn does not seems > to move them. Using version 2.19.4. > Hi Andrew, % \version "2.19.4" { r4 \t

Re: Shifting rests horizontally

2014-04-18 Thread Nick Payne
On 18/04/14 17:05, Andrew Bernard wrote: How does one shift a rest in a voice horizontally to avoid collisions with notes in other voices? Using force-hshift on the NoteColumn does not seems to move them. Using version 2.19.4. I define the following function rsh = #(define-music-function (par

Shifting rests horizontally

2014-04-18 Thread Andrew Bernard
How does one shift a rest in a voice horizontally to avoid collisions with notes in other voices? Using force-hshift on the NoteColumn does not seems to move them. Using version 2.19.4. Andrew ___ lilypond-user mailing list htt

Re: Horizontally shifting rests [SOLVED]

2011-09-24 Thread Mario Moles
Command founded: \override Voice.Rest #'X-offset = #x Thank's -- oiram/bin/selom ___ lilypond-user mailing list

Horizontally shifting rests

2011-09-24 Thread Mario Moles
Hi Lilyponders! I searched in my mail-box and in notation.pdf but I did not understand out how to move horizontally the rests and \ NoteColumn override # 'force-hshift = x does not work obviously with rests. Any ideas? \version "2.15.11" global = { \key c \major \time 4/4 } u = \relative c'

Re: Shifting Rests

2003-11-07 Thread Mats Bengtsson
Why not use the \rest feature, see /Mats Will Oram wrote: My understanding is this should shift any rest down X spaces down: restDown = \property Staff.Rest \set #'staff-position = #-X [...] << { fsharp16[ fshar

Shifting Rests

2003-11-05 Thread Will Oram
My understanding is this should shift any rest down X spaces down: restDown = \property Staff.Rest \set #'staff-position = #-X [...] << { fsharp16[ fsharp' d fsharp,] fsharp[ fsharp' d g,] } \\ { \restDown fsharp8_.[ r16 fsharp_.] fsharp8_.[ r16 g_.] } >> In this example, it works up to a point