Re: Scarlatti, polyphony within a keyboard score

2007-07-02 Thread Neil Puttock
Hi David, On 7/1/07, David Fedoruk <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote: Since most of this music is not two voices (right and left hand) but three or four, is there a way to add those possibliities to the scheme below?\new voice = "upper1" \upper1 ? would that work? It would need << \new voice = "u

Re: Scarlatti, polyphony within a keyboard score

2007-07-01 Thread David Fedoruk
The basic syntax for a polyphonic section is as follows: << { musicA } \\ { musicB } >> So for your problem section, you'd change it to this: << { c,2 a'4 | } \\ % bar 22 { \grace b16 c2. } >> You don't need the \stemUp switch, since the first polyphonic voice automa

Re: Scarlatti, polyphony within a keyboard score

2007-07-01 Thread Neil Puttock
Hi David, On 7/1/07, David Fedoruk <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote: \version 2.11.27 \include " " \version "2.10.25" upper = \relative c'' { \clef treble \key e \major \time 3/4 e b fs r4 r8 \bar "||"

Scarlatti, polyphony within a keyboard score

2007-07-01 Thread David Fedoruk
Hello: Scarlatti "looks" simple but of course is not. I'm using a Longo edition to create a basic score which I will edit (hopefully) from the Kirkpatrick facsimile into a performing edition. I have this specific problem for the moment which wil lead to another question about schemes.