Trevor Daniels wrote
> "Reggie" <
> reegistoop@
> > wrote 21/12/2018 19:10:12
>>\relative c'
>> \override Beam.grow-direction = #LEFT
>> \featherDurations #(ly:make-moment 2/1)
>> c32[ d e f g f e f d f g f d e d f] c4~c | c1 |
>>My CODE has no errors. And yet the 2/1 does NOT sp
"Reggie" wrote 21/12/2018 19:10:12
\relative c'
\override Beam.grow-direction = #LEFT
\featherDurations #(ly:make-moment 2/1)
c32[ d e f g f e f d f g f d e d f] c4~c | c1 |
My CODE has no errors. And yet the 2/1 does NOT space out any notes at ALL
it's just normal beamed notes wit