Thank you for all your help on this. I now have an include file that
does more or less what I want, and of course I can tweak in further in
the future.
On Tue, 2019-07-16 at 15:11 +0200, Jean ABOU SAMRA wrote:
> \version "2.19.83"
\version "2.19.83"
%{ From
midiMinimumVolume + (midiMaximumVolume - midiMinimumVolume) * fraction
These are the volume coefficients ('fraction' above)
Hi Jean
That's great - I certainly now can get a greater range of dynamic than
before. Thank you very much.
But I find that altering values in 'my-instrument-equalizer-alist' has
no effect at all. How can I adjust the relative volumes of 2 different
instruments - say, 'violin' and 'cello'. (I
Hi David,
Your problem is not with the instrument, it's with the dynamics themselves.
The algorithm that affects a volume to a note does a scale between
midiMinimumVolume and midiMaximumVolume that includes all dynamics.
Mathematically, you can think:
volume = midiMinimumVolume + (midiMaximumVol