From: lilypond-user-bounces+james.lowe=datacore....@gnu.org 
[lilypond-user-bounces+james.lowe=datacore....@gnu.org] on behalf of louloupond 
Sent: 10 March 2011 18:33
To: lilypond-user@gnu.org
Subject: make several (20 : 4X5)  systems in only one page
Hello , firstable excuse for my language  , however i'll try to explain you
my problem.

Here is the file i'm working on :
http://old.nabble.com/file/p31118481/bandoneon.ly bandoneon.ly
I would like to obtain a file with all measures separated , each one without
the time signature .
One page should countain 20 "systems" of two staves : 4 per line , each line
repeated 5 times.


that's a lot of 'problems' for you. I can try to help for some...some of them 
do not really make sense to me (It maybe a language problem)


Q1. I would like to obtain a file with all measures separated..

A1. I don't know what 'measures separated' means...but

Q2. each one without the time signature

A2. Ah...I think you may mean 'system' or 'score' separated? If you want to 
remove the time signature see:


This shows you examples of how to remove things like barlines and how to make 
the time signature 'transparent' so you can combine both these techniques to 
remove your time signature.

If you *do* mean you want you 'scores' separate then simply have 20

\score { 

\score {


\score {

Where you file contains

mymusic = { a b c d e }
mymusictwo = { d e f g a b}
mymusicthree = { f f f e e d }




This helps you organize your music.

Q3. One page should countain 20 "systems" of two staves : 4 per line , each line
repeated 5 times.

This is a bit more tricky in a few sentences. For repeated lines see:


This might help.

Again I am not sure what you mean by 20 systems..I think you mean 'measures' 
here. Measure also = bars. A system is the 'whole' staff with all measures in 
it. So you may have mixed the two expressions up.

Anyway, to get 4 'measures per line' you can use manual '\break'


mymusic = { a a a a | b b b b | c c c c | d d d d \break
  e e e e | f f f f | g g g g | a a a a| \break
 a b c d | a b c d | a b c d | a b c d \break
 a b c d | a b c d | a b c d | a b c d \break
 a b c d | a b c d | a b c d | a b c d \break

\score {

or if you want the same 5 bars repeated 4 times

then you can use

mymusic = { \repeat unfold 5 { a b c d | a b c d | a b c d | a b c d | \break }

\score {

These both gives you 20 measure of 4 per line.

I would also strongly recommend (as my examples) that you use 'bar checks' as 
they really help visualise your file and also to make sure you don't make any 
errors, which are reported when you compile your file.


There are other ways to do this (LilyPond is very flexible) but personally I 
think this might be the easiest way for you for now.

See if this works for you. Once you have mastered the fundamentals you can then 

I hope this helps for now.


I'm working on a lighter file (more comprehensive for me) :

Also , i would like to color in black the notes of the 2nd and 3rd chords ,
and put one symbol of push and one symbol of pull (violon style) that should
appear on top of the 1st and 4th chord (respectivaly).

I just began discovering Lilypond , so if you could give some clues to help
me I would be very grateful .

Thanks for you reading ,

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