> On 17 Nov 2021, at 13:42, Robert Schmaus wrote:
> Dear Ponderers,
> I was just about to quickly write down a sheet of music, nothing fancy at
> all, when all of a sudden I got an exception. This is the full ly code (and I
> can’t make it any shorter for the reasons explained below):
Quick Update: The exception did indeed disappear after entering some more
music. Header is also no problem anymore …
I just hope, it stays like this when I get to the end of the music …
> On 17. Nov 2021, at 13:37, Robert Schmaus wrote:
> Dear Ponderers,
> I was just about to quickly wr
This compiled fine for me on lilypond 2.23.3, except for the warning about the
empty ChordNames.
On lilypond 2.20 I got an error message similar to yours (without the filename
weirdness), but it compiled fine if I commented out the ChordNames line or
typed something into its music expression. I
Hi Robert,
I've noticed the same bug in 2.9.13 page breaks are happening in odd places.
I have a score of 4 instruments where on the second page there is only one
system printed and a new page is started. It's clear that more systems could
have fitted.
I've forwarded this to bug-lilypond as