Re: Parenthesize multiple notes

2022-10-29 Thread Jean Abou Samra
Le 29/10/2022 à 22:42, Edizioni Migliori a écrit : Hello, How can I parenthesize multiple notes? In the example below, I am trying to enclose the two grace notes in one set of brackets. \version "2.23.10" \language "english" \relative { \afterGrace b'2\trill { a16

Parenthesize multiple notes

2022-10-29 Thread Edizioni Migliori
Hello, How can I parenthesize multiple notes? In the example below, I am trying to enclose the two grace notes in one set of brackets. \version "2.23.10" \language "english" \relative { \afterGrace b'2\trill { a16 b } c2 } Thanks, Ahanu Banerjee Publisher Ediz