Am 27.03.2015 um 05:28 schrieb Andrew Bernard:
Well, answering my own question here. The following works, but now I
feel the need to ask is the best way to do this sort of operation?
Yes, I think so. Why wouldn’t layer = 3 or = 2 suffice for
LedgerLineSpanner also?
Yours, Simon
\version "2.1
Well, answering my own question here. The following works, but now I feel the
need to ask is the best way to do this sort of operation?
\version "2.19.17"
treble = \relative c'' {
\override Stem.layer = #3
\change Staff = "bass"
\override NoteHead.layer = #3
-\markup {
I now understand this can be done using a filled-box markup in white. But how
do you get the box under the notehead and leger lines but above the ties? I am
aware of layer order, but I can’t get the whiteout box just where it should be
in the z-order.
On 27 March 2015 at 12:05:33, And
What do I whiteout and how exactly to get the chord in the example covering the
leger lines to nicely whiteout just the right things? Notehead, leger lines,
stem? Not real music, just the smallest example I could make.
\version "2.19.17"
treble = \relative c'' {
\change Staff = "bass"