2008/7/3 Kieren MacMillan:
> One solution is to use \translate.
> Hope this helps!
Oh, yes. That did the trick. Thanks, Kieren.
lilypond-user mailing list
Hi Risto,
was wondering if it's possible to move around
a \markup block that's outside the \score block.
One solution is to use \translate.
Hope this helps!
\paper { indent = #0 }
\new ChoirStaff
\new Staff { c'2 c' }
I was wondering if it's possible to move around a \markup block that's
outside the \score block. Inside the music section you can do wonders
with \override TextScript #'whatever but I couldn't come up with a
solution for this situation. I've attached an example below.
I'm asking this is becau