Re: [fr: barres de notes dans un triolet] Lyrics and \partial

2007-03-07 Thread Graham Percival
Thanks, added as Cheers, - Graham Mats Bengtsson wrote: That clearly looks like a bug (which remains in version 2.11.20)! I forward it to bug-lilypond. As a workaround, you can do change the lyrics part into \new Lyrics << \override Ve

Re: [fr: barres de notes dans un triolet] Lyrics and \partial

2007-03-07 Thread Mats Bengtsson
That clearly looks like a bug (which remains in version 2.11.20)! I forward it to bug-lilypond. As a workaround, you can do change the lyrics part into \new Lyrics << \override VerticalAxisGroup #'minimum-Y-extent = #'(-2 . 4) \lyricsto v {Here is the ly -- rics line } >> or use the \with

Re: [fr: barres de notes dans un triolet] Lyrics and \partial

2007-03-06 Thread Colin Wilding
Ok, I think I have identified where the problem occurs. If you take your example and add an extra line like this... \version "2.10.0" << \new Voice = v \relative c' {\partial 4 c | c d e f | g2. } \new Lyrics { \override VerticalAxisGroup #'minimum-Y-extent = #'(-2 . 4) \lyricsto

Re: Lyrics and \partial

2007-03-06 Thread Mats Bengtsson
The following two examples works well over here: \version "2.10.0" << \new Voice = v \relative c' {\partial 4 c | c d e f | g2. } \new Lyrics \lyricsto v {Here is the ly -- rics line } >> \version "2.10.0" << \relative c' {\partial 4 c | c d e f | g2. } \addlyrics {Here is the ly -- rics line }

Re: Lyrics and \partial

2007-03-06 Thread Carl Sorensen
Colin Wilding> writes: > > > I upgraded an old file from 2.8 to 2.10 today. The music begins with > \partial 4. I find that in 2.10 the lyrics skip the partial note; they > didn't do this before. > I'm using 2.10.11, and I have set a hymn that begins with \partial 4, and the lyric

Lyrics and \partial

2007-03-06 Thread Colin Wilding
I upgraded an old file from 2.8 to 2.10 today. The music begins with \partial 4. I find that in 2.10 the lyrics skip the partial note; they didn't do this before. Is this intentional? If so, is there a way to force the lyrics to use the partial note? It's not crucial, because I can work arou