Yup. I don't know enough about using a Terminal program or anything
else to get LilyPond to run without using the GUI. I need the GUI and
that's what doesn't work.
lilypond-user mailing list
On Dec 17, 2009, at 12:10 PM, Robert Ley wrote:
The hard disc format is determined by the type of processor you
have in the machine: GUID format for Intel chips, MacOS Extended
for PPC chips. I have a G4 [PPC] chip, so both Ext. and Int. are
formatted with MacOS Extended.
The hard disc format is determined by the type of processor you have
in the machine: GUID format for Intel chips, MacOS Extended for PPC
chips. I have a G4 [PPC] chip, so both Ext. and Int. are formatted
with MacOS Extended.
The EXTERNAL has a different system, 10.4.11, under which LilyPond
I noticed in the digest someone talking about Lilypond for Mac working on an
external disk but not on the internal one - it is possible that they are
formatted differently. The Mac offers various filesystems, some of which are
case insensitive and some which are not! It may be informative to check