The trick is to let the two lines of music belong to the same
Voice context when you want the stems joined and to different
Voice contexts when you want them separate.
Then, you could say something like:
VoiceFour = \notes \relative c' {
r2 a2 | d,4 d a'2 | \translator Voice = three r2 a | d, d a
Along similar lines, when two voices both have rests of the same
duration, is there an easy way to join the rests?
Daniel Ashton PGP key available
mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] ICQ# 9445142 ht
I thought I'd seen this in the tutorial, but now I cannot find it.
I have two voices on one staff. At times their rhythms are the same. I
want to specify that their stems should be joined during certain sections.
I know that I can do something like this:
\include ""
Key = \