Vicente Sanches:
> I'm editing the Mozart's Ave Verum for a college work.
> As there are many instruments and voices, i tried to organize things
> separating notes from staff and layout information,
That is good, but I suggest that you (well really it's my preferences)
separate things into
Am 2019-05-13 um 04:20 schrieb Vicente Sanches :
> Hi,
> I'm editing the Mozart's Ave Verum for a college work.
> As there are many instruments and voices, i tried to organize things
> separating notes from staff and layout information, but i don't know how to
> insert lyrics in such organizat
Hi Vicente,
try simply:
lyr = \lyricmode {
A -- ve, a -- ve ve -- rum
\new StaffGroup <<
\new Staff \with { instrumentName = \markup {\bold
#"Soprano." }} << \global \sop \addlyrics \lyr >>
\new Staff \with { instrumentName = \markup {\bold #"Alto." }}
<< \global \alt
I'm editing the Mozart's Ave Verum for a college work.
As there are many instruments and voices, i tried to organize things
separating notes from staff and layout information, but i don't know how to
insert lyrics in such organizational structure.
the skeleton of the doc looks like this: