Ok, I tried \addlyrics, and it worked, but there are more questions.
Now I'll have to present a more complex file.
1. How can I move the text above the soprano notes below the group line?
2. Is it possible to mark the group as it is done with voltas? I
attached excert from the book I am studying
On 9/1/21, 8:29 AM, "lilypond-user on behalf of Lukas-Fabian Moser"
Hi Dmitry,
Am 01.09.21 um 10:50 schrieb Ivanov Dmitry:
> Here is the minimal working example:
> \relative c'' {
>\clef violin
>\time 3/4
>c,2_"C" e8_"E" c'_"C"
Hi Dmitry,
Am 01.09.21 um 10:50 schrieb Ivanov Dmitry:
Here is the minimal working example:
\relative c'' {
\clef violin
\time 3/4
c,2_"C" e8_"E" c'_"C"
f4 e d
c4 c, r
Adding to Jean's excellent advice: I found that if I have a lot of
annotations of that kind that sh
> How are you adding text below time signatures?
> The \override goes to TextScript grobs, and those
> are usually created when a textual articulation
> is attached to a note.
No, this was my mistake. It doesn't change the time signature. I have
several more questions, I'll try to write them in a
Le 01/09/2021 à 12:52, Ivanov Dmitry a écrit :
\override TextScript.font-series = #'bold
Is it possible to do it only for the text below the notes, not the
meter signs: 3 / 4?
How are you adding text below time signatures?
The \override goes to TextScript grobs, and those
are usually created w
> \override TextScript.font-series = #'bold
Is it possible to do it only for the text below the notes, not the
meter signs: 3 / 4?
On 9/1/21, Jean Abou Samra wrote:
> Le 01/09/2021 à 10:50, Ivanov Dmitry a écrit :
>> Here is the minimal working example:
>> \relative c'' {
>>\clef viol
Le 01/09/2021 à 10:50, Ivanov Dmitry a écrit :
Here is the minimal working example:
\relative c'' {
\clef violin
\time 3/4
c,2_"C" e8_"E" c'_"C"
f4 e d
c4 c, r
Is it possible to vertically align all the characters by the bottom
line? How can I change the font for tex
Here is the minimal working example:
\relative c'' {
\clef violin
\time 3/4
c,2_"C" e8_"E" c'_"C"
f4 e d
c4 c, r
Is it possible to vertically align all the characters by the bottom
line? How can I change the font for text document-wise, for example
change the size and make it b