Begin forwarded message:
Date: Fri, 01 Aug 2003 15:24:31 +0200
From: Nicolas Sceaux <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
To: Michal Seta <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: Re: Project - Emacs mode extensions for LilyPond

Fri, 01 Aug 2003 00:12:05 -0500, Michal a dit : 

 > On 31 Jul 2003 21:18:59 -0400
 > Francois wrote:

 >> Would someone have some experience about these two?  Does Jack run on top
 >> of ALSA, or OSS, or something else?  What generality are we seeking here?
 >> Is it theoretical?  I mean, what would be the practical advantages of
 >> using Jack over ALSA?

 > jMax is probably of no interest here (other than it speaks MIDI and
 > one can program some algo processes and send them to rumor, for
 > instance, to generate the score or generate .ly file altogether). 

Yes, JMax is a visual composition tool, with little boxes
sending signals to other boxes.

As for ALSA, it seems very general in GNU/Linux, actually kernels >=2.5.x 
include ALSA modules, thus it seems a companion of choice on that

What is about, here, is typically playing a single note at the time we
insert it, in Emacs, or playing a region of notes, for proof reading,
not the playback of a whole piece: the midi generation is of course
delayed to lilypond.

 > [...]

 > I do like the ideas about emacs in this  thread.  I'm not a
 > developer, but how about considering to use an existing sequencing
 > library, like, rather than writing,
 > from scratch, something that will communicate with ALSA
 > sequencer...  But I don't know, perhaps I'm just talking nonsense.

Actually, what has been written so far is a 100 line piece of code,
which bravely does its job :) but you're right. I'll look at TSE3,
which seems to offer the "generality" in terms of backends discussed
above (ALSA, OSS, ...) It may be a good idea.

 > And I haven't yet tried the existing implementation but it might be
 > nice to allow the user to choose between using an external MIDI
 > device or _any_ soft synth.  But I'm sure someone has already
 > thought about it... 

Indeed. Fran�ois has code for using external MIDI devices. If we
manage to merge our works, on a genericity basis, other software synth
could be used also...

 > -- ./MiS

      __  __ (_)___   Michal Seta
     /  \/  \ _/^ _|
    /        V |_  \

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