Re: Footnote line-spacing

2024-09-17 Thread Dimitri Sykias
Thank you very much Xavier! > On 17 Sep 2024, at 1:41 PM, Xavier Scheuer wrote: > > override #'(baseline-skip . 3)

Re: Footnote line-spacing

2024-09-17 Thread Xavier Scheuer
On Tue, 17 Sept 2024 at 01:39, Dimitri Sykias wrote: > > How can I reduce the vertical spacing between the lines in a auto-footnote? > > I attempted the following code to reduce the spacing: > > \auto-footnote \italic “1.” \wordwrap \small { \override #'(line-spacing . 0.8) footnote text. } > > Ho

Re: Footnote line-spacing

2024-09-17 Thread Kieren MacMillan
Hi Dimitri, > \auto-footnote \italic “1.” \wordwrap \small { \override #'(line-spacing . > 0.8) footnote text. } This doesn’t compile by itself. Adding \markup to it makes it compilable, but doesn’t demonstrate a multi-line footnote (which is, I’m guessing, what you’re trying to work with). P

Footnote line-spacing

2024-09-16 Thread Dimitri Sykias
How can I reduce the vertical spacing between the lines in a auto-footnote? I attempted the following code to reduce the spacing: \auto-footnote \italic “1.” \wordwrap \small { \override #'(line-spacing . 0.8) footnote text. } However, it didn't produce the desired result. Which is the correct