Betreff:Re: Dynamics negative Y-offset
Datum: Thu, 5 Mar 2015 16:09:27 -
Von:Phil Holmes
An: Simon Albrecht
Narrowing this down a bit, the change occurred between 19.12 and 19.14, and
the failure to tweak happens whether the tweak is applied via the function
ht ---- Betreff: Re: Dynamics
> negative Y-offset Datum: Thu, 5 Mar 2015 16:09:27 - Von: Phil
> HolmesAn: Simon Albrecht
> Narrowing this down a bit, the change occurred between 19.12 and 19.14, and
> the failure to tweak happens whether the tweak is applied vi
I assume it was an oversight that you didn’t include the list…
This also shows that there is no link to any alignment changes, which
happened earlier (around 2.10).
Yours, Simon
Weitergeleitete Nachricht
Betreff:Re: Dynamics negative Y-offset
Datum: Thu, 5 Mar 2015
Hello everybody,
in the attachment you’ll find an example for a function which I use to
make dynamics slightly overlap with staff lines for saving space. It
used to work up to 2.19.8, but now (tested with 2.19.15 and .16)
negative values of Y-offset remain without effect inspite of