Thank you very much, Lukas! Well, I didn't want to bother so much with more
conditions. They are namely: only sharp accidentals and only notes starting
from the fourth line and higher when the stem is down. For my use case I
would just add those extra conditions in abjad. The reason why we have now
Hi Martín,
Am 08.09.22 um 10:52 schrieb Martín Rincón Botero:
I would like to have less padding for a fermata when a note has an
accidental. Say, if the fermata has a padding of x, I would like it be
x-0.1 or so when the note in question has an accidental. I would be
thankful for a snippet :-)
Dear Scheme wizards,
I would like to have less padding for a fermata when a note has an accidental.
Say, if the fermata has a padding of x, I would like it be x-0.1 or so when the
note in question has an accidental. I would be thankful for a snippet :-).